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Washington State University

Getting to Know You: Ashley Olson

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Ashley Olson 04

Ashley Olson — Sport Management graduate student

Most importantly… you’re a twin sister. And your name is Ashley Olson. NOT to be confused with Mary Kate and Ashley Olson. But, what was that like?
Having a twin sister has made my life so much more fulfilling and joyful, definitely worth all the corny Olson twin jokes growing up. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Where are you from?
Maple Valley, Washington.

Where did you do your undergrad?
Western Washington and Washington State.

What was your major?
Sport Management.

Why did you choose WSU for your master’s degree?
I loved it too much here to leave Pullman.

What is your favorite thing about Pullman?
The people, both students and the community. It’s just a great place to live and get an education.


Food: Pasta. I eat it every day.

Movie: The Lion King

Book: Any Dr. Suess book

Musician/Band: Frank Sinatra, or P!nk, or the Beach Boys, depending on my mood

Song: Anything Beach Boys, especially if I’m singing off-key with my dad

Sport: Basketball

Quote: “Success isn’t owned, it’s leased, and rent is due every day.” – J.J. Watt

Devasmita Chakraverty

Deva Chakraverty_

Devasmita Chakraverty

Assistant Professor
Science Education
WSU Spokane

Center for Clinical Research and Simulation 217
PO Box 1495
Spokane, WA 99210

Phone: 509-358-7568

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Website || ResearchGate || Google Scholar || LinkedIn

Interested in participating in the Imposter Phenomenon Study?
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Imposter Phenomenon Study

Research interests

Dr. Chakraverty’s research involves examining the experiences of the underrepresented groups based on gender and race/ethnicity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Recent work has specifically focused on individuals in medicine and biomedical science research programs. Dr. Chakraverty also examines impostor phenomenon among individuals in STEM and medicine.

Teaching interests

Dr. Chakraverty teaches the following graduate courses: Survey Development and Implementation Methods, Social Foundations of Education, Introduction to Academic Writing.

Recent accomplishments

Peer-reviewed publications
  • Chakraverty, D., Jeffe, D.B., & Tai, R.H. (Accepted). Transition experiences in MD-PhD programs. CBE- Life Sciences Education.
  • Dabney, K. P., Chakraverty, D., Hutton, A. C., Warner, K. A., & Tai, R. H. (2017). The bachelor’s to PhD transition: Factors influencing PhD completion among women in chemistry and physics. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 0270467617710852.
  • Gantner, S., Großschedl, J., Chakraverty, D., & Harms, U. (2016) Assessing what prospective laboratory assistants in Biochemistry and Cell Biology know: Development and validation of the test instrument PROKLAS. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training. DOI: 10.1186/s40461-016-0029-9
  • Stains, M, Pilarz, M., & Chakraverty, D. (2015). Short and Long-Term Impacts of the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative New Faculty Workshop. Journal of Chemical Education, 92(9), 1466-1476.
  • Lund, T.J., Pilarz, M., Velasco, J.B., Chakraverty, D., Rosploch, K., Undersander, M., & Stains, M. (2015). The Best of Both Worlds: Building on the COPUS and RTOP Observation Protocols to Easily and Reliably Measure Various Levels of Reformed Instructional Practices. CBE- Life Sciences Education, 14(2), ar18 DOI: 10.1187/cbe.14-10-0168
  • Baker, L.A., Chakraverty, D., Columbus, L., Feig, A.L., Jenks, W.S., Pilarz, M., Stains, M., Waterman, R., & Wesemann, J.L. (2014). Cottrell Scholars Collaborative New Faculty Workshop: Professional Development for New Chemistry Faculty. Journal of Chemical Education, 91(11), 1874-1881. doi: 10.1021/ed500547n
  • Kong, X., Chakraverty, D., Jeffe, D.B., Andriole, D.A., Wathington, H., & Tai, R.H. (2013). How do interaction experiences influence doctoral students’ academic pursuits in biomedical research? Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 33(3-4), 76-84. doi: 10.1177/0270467613516754
  • Chakraverty, D., & Tai, R. H. (2013). Parental occupation inspiring science interest: Perspectives from physical scientists. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 33(1-2), 44-52. DOI: 10.1177/0270467613509367
  • Dabney, K. P., Chakraverty, D., & Tai, R. H. (2013). The association of family influence and initial interest in science. Science Education, 97(3), 395-409. DOI 10.1002/sce.21060
Conference presentations (2018)
  • Jeffe, D.B., Chakraverty, D., & Andriole, D.A. (November, 2018). Predictors of Faculty Appointment among Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Minorities in Medicine: A National Study. AAMC Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
  • Chakraverty, D. (June, 2018). Impostor Syndrome among Black and Hispanic Women in STEM. Annual Network of STEM Education Centers National Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Chakraverty, D., Dabney, K.P., Jeffe, D.B., & Tai, R.H. (April, 2018). Pursuing a PhD in Biomedical Science: Reasons and Challenges. Annual AERA Meeting, New York, NY.
  • Chakraverty, D. (March, 2018). Impostor Phenomenon among Graduate Students in STEM. Annual NARST Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Chakraverty, D., Jeffe, D.B., & Tai, R.H. (March, 2018). The Role of Prior Research Experience and Other Related Experiences in Medical School Entry. Annual NARST Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Chakraverty, D. & Jeffe, D.B. (March, 2018). How Graduate School Climate Perpetuates the Impostor Phenomenon in STEM. 10th Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science Careers, Baltimore, MD.


  • Washington State University
    New Faculty Seed Grant (2017; $30,000)
    Title: Impostor Phenomenon in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
    Principal Investigator
  • Washington State University, College of Education
    Faculty Research Funding Award (2017; $6,500)
    Title: Impostor Phenomenon in STEM
    Principal Investigator

Interested in participating in the Imposter Phenomenon Study?
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Imposter Phenomenon Study


  • Jhumki Basu Scholar Award (2017). Awarded by the NARST Equity and Ethics Committee.

Educational background

  • Ph.D., Science Education (2013)
    University of Virginia, Curry School of Education
    Dissertation: An Examination of how Women and Underrepresented Minorities Experience Barriers in Biomedical Research and Medical Programs
  • M.P.H., Toxicology (2008)
    University of Washington, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
    Thesis: An Evaluation of Potential Risk Factors for Cancer and Non-Cancer Health Effects Associated with Heavy Metal Exposure
  • M.Sc., Environmental Sciences (2005)
    University of Calcutta, Department of Environmental Sciences, India
    Thesis: Estimating benzene in the ambient air in traffic intersections, residential areas, and indoor air using gas chromatography (West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Kolkata, India)
  • B.Sc., Zoology (Honors), Chemistry, Botany (2003)
    University of Calcutta, Department of Zoology, India

Molly Kelton

Molly L. Kelton, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Mathematics Education

WSU Pullman
Cleveland Hall 331


Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Molly Kelton aims to contribute to a world in which all members of society feel engaged and empowered to think deeply, expansively, and creatively about mathematics and STEM. Broadly, Dr. Kelton’s work seeks to critically examine and productively expand what counts as mathematics and STEM in contemporary society, with the goal of envisioning a more expansive and equitable mathematics education. Her research investigates mathematics learning in out-of-school time and across formal and informal environments, spanning K-12 classrooms, museums, maker spaces, and after-school clubs. She has contributed to research and design of several major mathematics exhibitions, including Math Moves! and Taping Shape. Across diverse settings, she also examines the role of physical movement and embodied experience in mathematical thinking and learning.

Dr. Kelton currently leads the NIH-funded Health Education through Arts-based Learning (HEAL) Collaborative. Learn more about HEAL here.

Dr. Kelton served as co-Principal Investigator of the Informal Mathematics Collaborative, a partnership among university mathematics educators, art and science museums, and community organizations serving under-represented youth. The Informal Mathematics Collaborative is funded by the National Science Foundation and has contributed to the design and research of numerous innovative public programs and exhibitions that blend mathematics, science, and the arts. This work advances current efforts to understand the educational potential of learning environments that integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM).


Dr. Kelton serves and teaches in multiple teacher education, master’s, and doctoral programs in the department, including the Elementary Education undergraduate program, Master in Teaching program, Middle-level Mathematics Endorsement program, and the Mathematics & Science Education PhD program.

Selected Funding

Kelton, M. L., Owen, J. P., Danielson, R., & Butterfield, P. (2018-2023). Health Education through Arts-based Learning (HEAL): A Partnership to Investigate Interdisciplinary Science Programs in Rural Communities. Kelton is lead PI with WSU co-PIs Owen (CAHNRS), Danielson (College of Education), and Butterfield (College of Medicine). Research project through the National Institutes of Health Science Education Partnership Award program. Total awarded: $1,195,049. (Grant # 1R25GM129814-01).

Kelton, M. L. (2016-2018). InforMath: Mathematics to Enrich Learning Experiences in Science and Art Museums. Research project in collaboration with colleagues at San Diego State University and the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center through the Advancing Informal STEM Learning Program of the National Science Foundation. Funding for the 2016 – 2018 sub-award to WSU (with Kelton as PI for the sub-award): $57,916. Kelton is a co-PI for the 2013-2018 multi-institution project with Nemirovsky, R. (lead PI) and Siboroski, P. (co-PI). Total funding for multi-institution project awarded: $1,517,474. (DRL-1323587).

Kelton, M. L., Owen, J. P., Danielson, R., & Butterfield, P. (2017). Collaborative Research Retreat for the Health-sciences Education through Arts-based Learning (HEAL) Partnership. Collaborative research retreat with WSU collaborators funded through WSU’s College of Education Collaborative Research Retreat Funding Awards. Kelton is PI with co-PI’s Owen (CAHNRS), Danielson (College of Education), and Butterfield (College of Medicine). Total awarded: $855.

Kelton, M. L. (2017-2018). Gear-Up Professional Development Program. Kelton is sole PI on this rural professional development project in collaboration with Eureka Palouse! and the University of Idaho. Funded by private donation through WSU’s College of Education office of development. Total awarded: $5,000.

Ma, J. Y., Kelton, M. L., Kirkland, D., Hoadley, C. (2017-2018). Provostial Seed Grant for: Making the Most of Mathematics in Out-of-School Time (MOST): Mapping and Designing for Youth’s Mathematics Learning Pathways Across Urban Settings. Research project in collaboration with colleagues from New York University. Kelton is co-PI with Ma, J. Y. (lead PI), Kirkland, D. (co-PI), and Hoadley, C. (co-PI). This seed grant is funded by NYU’s Provostial Mega-Grants Initiative Seed Funding. Total awarded to NYU: $26,000.

Kelton, M. L., & Danielson, R. (2018-2019). Health Education through Arts-based Learning (HEAL): Establishing a New Partnership in Interdisciplinary STEM Education in Diverse Rural Communities. Proposal submitted to WSU’s New Faculty Seed Grant program. Kelton is lead PI with co-PI Danielson (College of Education). Total awarded: $22,043.

Frost, J., Kelton, M. L., Lesseig, K., Roth McDuffie, A., Rougee, A., & Slabit, D. (2018). Collaborative Research Retreat for Coherence in Cross-campus Mathematics Education Programs: Thoery-building and implementation. Collaborative research retreat with WSU collaborators funded through WSU’s College of Education Collaborate Research Retreat Funding Awards. Kelton is a collaborating researcher. Total awarded: $453.

Selected Publications

Kelton, M. L., Ma, J. Y., Rawlings, C., Rhodehamel, B., Saraniero, P., & Nemirovsky, R. (2018). Family meshworks: Children’s geographies and collective ambulatory sense-making in an immersive mathematics exhibition. Children’s Geographies, 16(5), 543-557.

Kelton, M. L., & Ma, J. Y. (2018). Reconfiguring mathematical settings and activity through multi-party, whole-body collaboration. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 98(2), 177-196.

Kelton, M. L., & Saraniero, P. (2018). STEAM-y partnerships: Interdisciplinary professional development and collaboration. Journal of Museum Education, 43(1), 55-65.

Nemirovsky, R., Kelton, M. L., & Civil, M.  (2017). Toward a vibrant and socially significant informal mathematics education.  In J. Cai (Ed.), Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education, (pp. 90 – 101). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Nemirovsky, R., & Kelton, M. L. (2016). Navigating turbulent waters: Objectivity, interpretation, and experience in the analysis of interaction.  In A. A. diSessa, M. Levin, & N. J. S. Brown (Eds.), Knowledge and interaction: A synthetic agenda for the learning sciences (pp. 458 – 479). New York, NY: Routledge.

Hall, R., Nemirovsky, R., Ma, J., & Kelton, M. L. (2016). Towards a generous* discussion of interplay between natural descriptive and hidden machinery approaches in knowledge and interaction analysis.  In A. A. diSessa, M. Levin, & N. J. S. Brown (Eds.), Knowledge and interaction: A synthetic agenda for the learning sciences (pp. 496 – 519). New York, NY: Routledge.

Ellis, J., Kelton, M. L., & Rasmussen, C. (2014).  Student perceptions of pedagogy and persistence in United States Calculus.  ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46(4), 661-673.

Nemirovsky, R., Kelton, M. L., & Rhodehamel, B.  (2013).  Playing mathematical instruments: Emerging perceptuomotor integration with an interactive mathematics exhibit. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 44(2), 372-415.

Nemirovsky, R., Kelton, M. L., & Rhodehamel.  (2012).  Gesture and imagination: On the constitution and uses of phantasms. Gesture, 12(2), 130-165.

Donghyuk Shin

Donghyuk Shin

Donghyuk Shin

Clinical Assistant Professor
Sport Management
Pullman Campus
Cleveland Hall 266
Pullman, WA  99164


Curriculum Vitae

  • Ph.D. in Higher Education and Student Affairs, University of Iowa, 2015
  • M.A. in Sport Studies, University of Iowa, 2010
  • M.S. in Sport Management, Florida State University, 2006
  • B.A. in Hungarian Studies, Hankook University of Foreign Studies, 1997
Research Interests

Sport Sociology and Intercollegiate athletics

Courses Taught at WSU
  • SPMGT 276 Introduction of Sport Management
  • SPMGT 367 Sport in American Society
  • SPMGT 567 Social and Cultural Issues of Physical Activity and Sport

Graduate Research Courses


Research… from an educational perspective.

We invite you see see how we can help you with your research training.

Courses Offered by the College of Education
ED_RES 562Epistemology, Inquiry and Representation
ED_RES 563Principles of Research
ED_RES 564Qualitative Research
ED_RES 565Quantitative Research
ED_PSYCH 505Research Methods
ED_PSYCH 507Introduction to Qualitative Research
ED_PSYCH 508Educational Statistics
ED_PSYCH 568Quasi-Experimental Design
ED_PSYCH 569Seminar in Quantitative Techniques in Education
ED_PSYCH 572Intro to Systematic Literature Reviews and Meta-Analysis
SPEC_ED 592Single Subject Research Design and Methods
CSSTE 544 (was Ed_Res 567)Discourse Analysis
CSSTE 545 (was Ed_Res 568)Critical Ethnography
CSSTE 546 (was Ed_Res 569)Arts-Informed Perspectives in Educational Research
ED_AD 591 (was Ed_Res 570)Action Research
ED_RES 571Doctoral Dissertation Preparation
ED_AD 536Intro to Qualitative Research in Education
ED_AD 537Advanced Qualitative Research in Education
ED_AD 538Special Topics in Qualitative Research
ED_AD 539Applied Research for Educational Leaders
TCH_LRN 560Research in Teaching
TCH_LRN 588Action Research: Teachers as Researchers
ED_PSYCH 575Multilevel Modeling
ED_PSYCH 576Factor Analytic Procedures
TCH_LRN 523Special Topics: Mixed Methods

Research Course Prerequisites
WSU Course  Prerequisites
Ed_Res 562 Doctoral standing in Education or Ed_Psych 505 or concurrent enrollment
Ed_Res 563 Ed_Res 562 or admission to the EdD program
Ed_Res 564 Ed_Psych 507 and Ed_Res 563
Ed_Res 565 Ed_Psych 508 and Ed_Res 563

Competencies for Ed_Res 563: Prior to a student enrolling in Ed_Res 563, the student should be very familiar with the general topics listed below. These topics should be covered before enrollment in Ed_Res 563, like in a course such as Ed_Psych 505 or its equivalent.

Knowledge basics for Ed_Res 563

  • Describe the process of scientific inquiry and various sources of knowledge.
  • Identify multiple research designs and when they might be used.
  • Develop basic research questions with at least one independent and one dependent variable.
  • Describe the difference between a research question and research hypothesis.
  • Describe the difference between quantitative and qualitative research designs and identify a given study’s approach.
  • Identify different sampling/selection approaches to both qualitative and quantitative studies.
  • Define internal and external validity, content validity, trustworthiness, credibility, and positionality.
  • Define different epistemological lens and assumptions.
  • Describe how your epistemology influences research approaches.
  • Describe why the Institutional Review Board review process is important in the research process.

Competencies for Ed_Res 564: Prior to a student enrolling in Ed_Res 564, the student should be very familiar with the general topics listed below, these should be covered before enrollment in Ed_Res 564, like in a course such as Ed_Psych 507 or it’s equivalent.

In order to waive Ed_Psych 507 as a pre-requisite to Ed_Res 564, students need to have their IRB Approval (see last bullet point) and the following competencies need to be demonstrated through another course syllabus prior to Taking Ed_Res 564.

Knowledge basics for Ed_Res 564

  • Understand theory and foundation for qualitative/ interpretive research.
  • Understand range of qualitative/interpretive paradigms.
  • Understand and experience with developing qualitative research questions.
  • Experience with collecting qualitative data (e.g., interviews, observations).
  • Experience with data transcription.
  • Experience writing/adapting interview and/or observation protocols.
  • Experience coding data using few forms of coding (e.g., thematic, descriptive).
  • Experience writing analytic memos.
  • Understand positionality and experience with developing a positionality statement.
  • If an IRB is needed for the pilot study, an approved IRB at the start of 564 for a pilot study during the course, or a determination that the pilot study qualifies as “not human subjects research.” For more information about IRB applications and/or the “not human subjects research” classification, go to and select the form for “not human subjects research.”

Competencies for Ed_Res 565: Prior to a student enrolling in Ed_Res 565, the student should be very familiar with both conceptual and technical aspects of central tendency and variability measures, regression and correlation, hypothesis testing, z-tests and analysis of contingency tables. Below is a list of general topics that should be covered before enrollment in Ed_Res 565, like in a course such as Ed_Psych 508 or it’s equivalent.

Knowledge basics for Ed_Res 565

  • Displaying Data, Freqency Tables, Graphs
  • Percentiles and Percentile Ranks
  • Measures of Central Tendency
  • Measures of Variablity
  • Normal Distributions and Standard Scores
  • Normal Distribution
  • Introduction to Correlation
  • Introduction to Simple Linear Regression
  • Probablity
  • Sampling Distributions
  • Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
    • Testing Hypothesis about a Single Mean
    • Confidence Intervals
    • Hypothesis Testing for Independent Samples
    • Hypothesis Testing for Dependent Samples
  • Chi-square Goodness-of-Fit Test
  • Chi-square Test of Independence

Teacher Education – Learning Outcomes

outcome photo-story

Learning Outcomes means beyond earning a degree, students must attain knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Upon completion of the BA in Education degree program, students will be able to:

  1. Use enduring content and pedagogical knowledge to inform their teaching (know content, critically evaluate literature on effective practice).
  2. Develop relevant, rigorous, and developmentally appropriate curricula (critically evaluate and apply literature on development, learning).
  3. Modify curriculum and instruction based on the individual needs of their students (address diversity in teaching/learning).
  4. Use assessment of their students’ learning and their own teaching to inform future planning and teaching (reflect on P-12 student learning outcome data, problem solve, critically evaluate literature on effective practice for use in classroom).
  5. Attend to the social and civic development of their students.
  6. Work respectfully & collaboratively with colleagues & community to ensure quality instructional programs & stewardship of public schools.

Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Delta Pi
International Honor Society in Education

We’re here to help students in teacher education programs excel.

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Literacy Alive!

Every year, our group takes a trip to the Tekoa School District and help kids with literacy throughout all subjects.

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Meet us!


For information, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Student Services at

Important collaboration

Press Play


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#education, #teachers, #KDP

Marketing and Communications Internship



Positions Available: One broadcasting/digital media internship. One videographer/editing internship specific for WSU ROAR. [Our PR/strat comm intern has already been hired.] 

Objective: We pay you. We mentor you within your field. We get your great work in return.

Kudos: We’ll pat ourselves on the back. We began our internship program in 2015. In the seven years that have followed, we have consistently made sure our interns have a valuable experience and build their portfolio. Our interns have been able to get immediate job placement: PR firms in Seattle, the Seattle Seahawks, school districts, real estate firm, boutique PR, a city on the westside. If you work hard, we set you up to succeed! Don’t take our word for it, though!


We can spend all day telling you how awesome this internship is. But instead, we’ll let our current and past interns tell you…

FEATURED TESTIMONIAL (only because it’s the latest):


More about the internship (and how to apply)

Basic responsibilities: You’d report directly to the College of Education’s Director of Marketing and Communications, who sits on the college’s leadership team. You’d help him realize MarComm’s objectives, including its mission of “Inform. Inspire. Involve.” Public relations and external marketing strategy and tactics make up a bulk of the plan, and you’d help fulfill the goals set forth.

Specific responsibilities (PR/Strat comm):

  • Write stories for dissemination through web and media. Then, write some more! Lots of writing.
  • Actively engage in the college’s social media. This will include posting to the college’s well-established social media sites (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, LinkedIn).
  • Web updates. The College of Education uses WordPress.
  • Help develop infographics and graphic-based communications.
  • Help with Education News, a monthly college newsletter sent to external stakeholders.
  • Brainstorm brand strategy and look for avenues to build brand awareness and credibility.
  • Help grow and maintain photo library.
  • Learn and apply basic media relations strategies under the direct supervision of the director.
  • Help align media requests with appropriate source.
  • Help enhance online newsroom.
  • Help integrate video and other digital media into story dissemination.
  • Other duties that arise (oh yeah, we weren’t going to forget this one ;).

Specific responsibilities (Broadcast/Digital media):

  • Produce high-quality video packages, vignettes, and social-ready clips to be used in college marketing efforts.
    • Plan, shoot, edit, and help disseminate.
  • Help with the college’s podcast and video podcast.
  • Web updates. The College of Education uses WordPress.
  • Help develop infographics and graphic-based communications.
  • Help grow and maintain photo library.
  • Integrate video and other digital media into story dissemination.
  • Other duties that arise (oh yeah, we weren’t going to forget this one ;).

Specific responsibilities (WSU ROAR videographer/editor):

  • Produce high-quality video packages, vignettes, and social-ready clips to be used in WSU ROAR marketing.
    • Plan, shoot, edit, and help disseminate.
  • Help grow and maintain video library and production resources.
  • Integrate video and other digital media into story dissemination.
  • Serve as a resource to our digital media intern

Prerequisites: Preference given to those majoring in a related field within the Murrow College of Communication, or to those who are Marketing majors within the Carson College of Business. Preference will be given to those students certified in their major. But talent is talent and if you got it, you got it. Apply!

Appointment, Hours, and Compensation: It is expected that you’d work the Fall 2023 semester, beginning the first week of the semester, and ending the week before the semester ends. You’d work 10-15 hours per week. You would earn up to $15 USD per hour (DOE). We could discuss extending through Spring 2024.

To apply:

Send email expressing your intent to apply (this will double as your cover letter unless you want to attach a separate cover letter). Make sure you you let us know which internship you’re apply to. You can address this to The Great Brandon Chapman. Attach resume and some writing samples (and link to other multimedia samples if you have them) that you feel best reflect your ability for this position. This must be received no later than close of business on FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023.

Interviews will be conducted shortly after the deadline, and the successful candidate will be notified and formalize arrangements before the semester ends.

About the College of Education:

The College of Education is one of WSU’s oldest colleges, with its first dean taking the helm in 1918. Since that time, COE has been known primarily as a teaching and learning college, as well as an educational leadership college. The majority of certified K-12 superintendents in Washington, in fact, earned their certification through COE.

However, COE is very much a modern college, with degrees in athletic training, kinesiology, and sport management. In fact, our undergraduate kinesiology degree is one of the largest degrees, by enrollment.

For more information:

Contact Brandon Chapman at or 509.335.6850.


We love remembering the good times!

Brittni and Riley Myklebust
Brittni Willis interviewing Pullman Police officer Riley Myklebust, as part of Education Eclipse. Riley is now a stellar deputy within the King County Sheriff’s Office :).

Kyla did so well working with Chappy in Fall 2016 that she was asked to come back for Spring 2017.

Trevor Havard was a great intern. He was capable of just grabbing a camera and heading to college events!

Katie Merrick in studio
Katie Merrick working in our video studio.

This internship is nothing if not fun.

Sometimes, there are just no adequate words to describe the interns.

Our broadcasting/digital media intern will definitely spend some time on the mic.

The toys we get to play with are no joke. This is our new Blackmagic 6K Cinema Camera.

Here’s the deal: we liked David Blehm but he was also a Broncos fan :(, so…

Will Matthews, our WSU ROAR videographer/editor, shoots the shooting!

Ivy Schank getting ready to deliver the college news on updatED, a weekly program.

This is either really cool or really embarrassing…

Other duties as assigned.

On any given day, our office becomes transformed!

Sport Management Master’s Theses

Our students research a diverse array of issues and problems in sport:

Wanyoung Ha (2021) — The impact of different types of NFL's corporate social responsibility on behavioral intentions among Generation Z fans
Emily Weber (2020) — Differentiation strategy running brands: A content analysis of Instagram posts
Ashley Olson (2018) — What do they want? Coaching preferences of parents in elite youth baseball using a relationship approach to leadership
Anna Pearson (2018) — Is violence necessary for the promotion of hockey?
Youngjik Lee (2017) — The effect of athletes' off-field immoral behaviors on fans' emotions and team identification: In collegiate sport perspective
Ramon Sodano (2016) — Pre-participatory screening policy development: Using a meta-analysis of the functional movement screen as a test case
DJ Mackie (2016) — Get them back in the game: Constraints to participation in collegiate intramural sports
Mary Barnett (2016) — Contentment of varsity athletes and students: A comparative analysis
Devon Carroll (2015) — Why student-athletes commit to a specific university: Motivational factors influencing university selection of non-revenue generating sport student-athletes
Kerry Hassall (2015) — Rowing race: A qualitative study of the effects of socialization, education and mass media on the rowing experiences of female racial minority rowers
Nicole Philen (2014) — Female high school athletic directors and leadership style: A qualitative study
Cairistiona Flatley (2013) — Effects of NASCAR's cause-related marketing on potential stakeholders
Amy Cole (2011) — Letting the women play, too: A feminist analysis of existing state correctional recreation policies
Hyewon Park (2004) — Analyzing motivational factors of action sports participants

M&S Education Syllabi

Here you will find the most recent syllabi for the core courses in the Mathematics and Science Education Ph.D. program.

Please note that these courses change with advancements in the field and the identification of student interests, so future offerings of the course might have different foci, readings, etc.

T&L 531
Frameworks for Research in Mathematics and Science Education
Dave Slavit 198x198EdMthSci 598
Research Seminar in Mathematics and Science Education
Tamara HolmlundT&L 571
Research in STEM Education
T&L 574
Science for All: An Individual Multicultural Perspective
T&L 581
Learning and Development in Mathematics and Science
Kristen Lesseig 198x198T&L 584
Research in Teaching Mathematics & Science