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Washington State University

Getting to Know You: Daniel Delgado

Daniel Delgado — Kinesiology undergraduate student Q&A

Hometown: Yakima Valley, Washington

Year: Junior

As a first generation student, was it daunting coming here to WSU?
At first it was daunting. I was nervous, I didn’t know what to do. But through the First Scholars scholarship program, it really helped me to not be scared of going to class and figuring out everything. I had no idea what financial aid was, I didn’t know what any of the process was, I didn’t even know how to get books and stuff. Just going through that program helped me, but I also had a lot of mentors. I knew a lot of juniors and seniors in my frat that guided me. Also, my best friend was here for a year already so he had figured out everything. I did have a lot of help.

Was pursuing kinesiology always your plan?
I had a completely different interest (coming in to WSU). All of high school I had been told I’m really good at math and science, so they said I should be an engineer. So the whole four years of high school I heard “Engineer, engineer, engineer,” so I thought I was going to be an engineer. I got here, and I was in engineering for a whole year and I hated it. I was so bored in class, and classes weren’t that bad, I just didn’t like it. I couldn’t see myself doing that for the rest of my life. Then one of my friends from the First Scholars program, she’s kind of a mentor, she told me “You know you like kines, just go do kines.” She was a kines major, and I was just pushing it off because I was scared about what I would do with kines – Train? Be a coach? I didn’t know anything about it. So she took me to a couple of the kines club meetings and I figured out all the career paths. I took two kines classes and I was hooked. Now I go to class and I actually enjoy class. Everything I learn, I love it.

Are you involved in any clubs on campus?
I’m part of kinesiology club, and I’m part of the Core group too, so we’re the ones that actually organize the meetings and plan out what we’re actually going to show to the kinesiology students. This way, they can get a sense of what this field is about and overall just see what the opportunities are in the department here. I’m part of the McNair Achievement Program, which is going to prepare me for grad school. And then I’m also a First Scholar, a scholarship program for first-generation students that helps me get involved because it’s both semi-professionalism and overall just a good program. And then I’m also part of a frat, so multicultural Greek, I’m Sigma Lambda Beta. With that one I get really involved with community service. Right now I’m trying to combine the kines club and SLB, and we’re trying to do some community service together.

What’s one piece of advice you have for people who are new to the program?
Get involved. Utilize the resources that our deparment gives, whether it be the staff and faculty, or overall just getting involved in the different opportunities in the program like club meetings, the fundraisers that we do, and community service. We try to get the department to intermingle. You’re going to be with these people for the next four years in class or just hanging out. Go up to them, talk to them. Get involved overall because at the end of the day they’re the ones that are helping you out.


Food: Homemade Sopas

Music Group: Daft Punk

Sport: Football (Watch) Soccer (Play)

Athlete: Michael Jordan

Movie: Fast and Furious series

Happy Place: My friends

Associate Deans Reappointed

College of Education reappoints two of its associate deans

March 23, 2017

By C. Brandon Chapman – College of Education Communications Director

Effective July 1, 2017, the College of Education has reappointed two of its associate deans for two more years: Paula Groves Price as associate dean for diversity and international programs, and Amy Roth McDuffie as associate dean for research and external funding.

College dean Mike Trevisan said both individuals have done a “superb” job in their respective roles, and that both are well suited to deal with their roles, including how they related to the Drive to 25 initiative.

He also said both have created a strong connection to their counterparts in other colleges, as well as those in central administration.

“Maintaining these relationships will help the college continue to connect in key ways to the broader university as we navigate institutional challenges over the next two years,” he said.

In making the decision, Trevisan consulted with the college leadership team, appropriate committees who worked extensively with either of the individuals, and data from the 360 administrative assessment.

Amy Roth McDuffie

Paula Groves Price

Getting to Know You: Madison Hunt

Madison Hunt— Kinesiology undergraduate student Q&A

Hometown: Federal Way, Washington

Year: Sophomore

Why did you choose kinesiology?
I actually came to WSU wanting to go into architecture and I took a semester of that and realized it wasn’t for me. So then I started researching different majors, and I always was kind of interested in the healthcare side of things. My mom, she was a dietitian and a personal trainer, so she knew about the health aspects and exercise aspects of it. I found kinesiology and it seemed like a perfect fit, and I knew when I started taking classes too, because I was a lot more interested in the stuff we were learning. 

What’s your favorite thing about the kinesiology program?
My favorite thing would probably be the students and the teachers. They’re really supportive. I’ve noticed with the teachers in the kinesiology program that teach specific kinesiology classes, they really try to get to know their students and try to build relationships with them instead of just having them for a semester and then them not really recognizing you when you see them on campus. It’s really awesome that they care so much about their students, it’s kind of like a family. We help each other out, it’s not an us against them. It’s a great community.

What are your future plans as you go through the program?
I’m not completely set on it, but I’m pretty sure that I want to be a physician’s assistant, which after getting my undergrad I would have to work 2 years to get hands-on health experience and then I would apply and go to grad school.

What do you hope to get out of your career?
I realized that one of my main goals in life is to help people. I feel like that’s what I’ve been placed here to do. Specifically in being a physician’s assistant I hope to go into sports medicine, and I really like that because I’ve been involved in sports all throughout high school and middle school. That particular aspect interests me because of kinesiology. It’s kind of directed towards that. We learn a lot about the human body, health and diseases, but we also learn a lot about exercise, diet and living a healthy lifestyle, which I think would transfer over to that well. But the overall goal is to help people.


Band: Boys Like Girls

Sport: Gymnastics (Watch) Volleyball (Play)

Athlete: Richard Sherman

Movie: Armageddon

Book: “Spellbound”

Pullman Restaurant: Birch and Barley

Getting to Know You: Shweta Mohan

Shweta Mohan — Kinesiology undergraduate student Q&A

Hometown: Everett, Washington

Year: Freshman

Why did you choose to study kinesiology?
I did gymnastics for eight years, and then I got injured. So then I had to go through the sports med clinic and then physical therapy, so just through that it really sparked my interest. The way they helped me just made me want to help other people.

So beyond the classroom, how are you involved in the kines program?
I’m part of Kines Club and Core Group, and I’m volunteering for the blood drive. We also have this conference called Bruya-Wood, and it’s the only undergraduate student research conference, so we put that on last semester and we’re planning for it again this semester. I’m really involved in Kines Club and I work at the UREC now. It’s my first semester working.

What would you say is your favorite part of the program so far?
I think just interacting with people that have the same passion as I do, because I hadn’t met a lot of people who wanted to go into physical therapy before high school or back home. So here everyone has the same passion, the same goal, so it’s really nice that we can work together. There’s a lot of connections so we help each other out.

What motivates you to not only keep going in the program, but to do well at what you’re doing?
I’m a first-gen and I grew up watching my parents work really hard. So for me, as a woman especially, I really just want to empower women and get them out there and show them that , yeah, you can do physical therapy. Because even coming into this program there’s a lot of “Oh, you’re a girl, why would you want to do physical therapy? Why do you want to work with athletes? Do something else.” I hear that a lot and I just want to prove that women can do it too.


Food: Ice Cream

Coffee: White Chocolate Mocha with an extra shot

Sport: Gymnastics

Athlete: Gabby Douglas

Movie: The Little Mermaid

Place to Study: On the dock at one of the lakes back home

Getting to Know You: Alex Cox

Alex Cox — Kinesiology undergraduate student Q&A

Hometown: Chehalis, Washington

Year: Junior

Why did you choose to study kinesiology?
Out of high school I wanted to be a P.E. teacher just because I’ve always been active and always liked playing sports and stuff like that, and I liked helping people.  But then one of my friends actually mentioned to me if I ever thought about physical therapy, and I hadn’t really, but then I did a little research on it and thought about it, and I was like yeah, I can probably do this. So I think my sophomore year was when I started to change course, last year actually, and started taking more physical therapy based classes. So I’m applying for the kinesiology major this month to get into the program next semester. Since I’m a transfer student it’s kind of a little more difficult which is why I think I had to add that extra year.

Did someone help spark that initial interest in P.E.?
Since I played football, basketball and baseball all four years of high school I was always in weight classes so my last semester of senior year I actually got to take a P.E. class. We’ve got really good P.E. teachers at our school, and we would just play games and do competitions and stuff, which is stuff I love doing. Our teacher was really awesome, he knew how to connect with every person there, like no matter what your personality was he could be your friend. He actually played the sports with us and the competitions and stuff which I thought was really cool, and made it a lot more fun. My thought process going into physical education was, what could be better than just playing all day when I’m with a bunch of high school kids? And so he really got me interested in going into this field.

So what do you think about the kinesiology program here?
I took pretty much all kines classes last semester, and I really like it. My favorite class last semester was anatomy with Dr. Morgan, he’s a really cool guy. He just makes learning about the information fun and he’s a really personable guy. He knows your name. If you go up to talk to him he’ll learn your name, know who you are. He’s a really good guy to have in the program, I think.


Food: Mom’s homemade chicken enchiladas

Sport: Football and baseball

Athlete: Earl Thomas – Safety for the Seahawks

Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Song: “Outskirts of Heaven” – Craig Campbell

Getting to Know You: Maria Barrera

Maria Barrera — Kinesiology and Psychology undergraduate student Q&A

Hometown: Granger, Washington

Year: Junior

Did you always want to study kinesiology and psychology?
I first thought I wanted to be a Com major, but then I took Com classes and knew it wasn’t for me. And then I always wanted to do something in a health-related field, so I decided kinesiology. At first I didn’t know what it was, until I took classes and I really liked it, and I just want to give back to the community and help those in need and make a difference.

So what would you like to do as a career?
Occupational therapy because I want to help the elderly. Just coming from a low-income area, I feel like occupational therapy is something that’s really needed over there.

After graduation would you then want to go back home right away?
I think I would go first to a bigger city and get more practice there before I go back home. I come from a small town so there’s not really a place where I could do anything.

Are you a part of any organizations on campus?
I’m currently in TRIO as well as the kinesiology club. And I actually work for the CAMP program, so the college assistance program. Oh, and I work at a greenhouse.

How do you stay so involved but still manage to go to school?
I tend to get my classes started at 10 and finish around 2-3, that way I can work in the mornings and I can work in the afternoons and get everything done that way. I feel like the busier I am, the more I’m on my schedule. I’m consistently like, “I gotta do this, and I gotta do this.”


Sport: Volleyball

Restaurant: Tokyo Seoul (Cougar Roll), Azia (pho), South Fork (pesto salad)

Movie: The Giver

Place to Study: Daily Grind (back room)

Quote: “God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.”

Egbert to lead workshop on engaging tech-use tasks

ESL and educational technology professor Joy Egbert will host this semester’s second faculty-led workshop. Her topic will be Creating Engaging Tasks Through Technology Use.

Egbert knows a thing or two about effective technology use in the classroom, as she was instrumental in bringing the TECH-Ed Conference to Washington State University in 2014 and 2015.

In this presentation, she will provide a brief overview of engagement principles and then discuss how technology use can help teachers create engaging tasks across different disciplines.

The event will take place on Thursday, February 16, 2017, from 12:10-1:00 p.m. in CUE 518 on the Pullman campus. The workshop will also be live-streamed for those unable to attend in person.

Faculty-led Workshops are co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost, the WSU Teaching Academy and the Office of Academic Outreach and Innovation. The topics range. Refreshments are provided.

The full slate of this semester’s workshops is as follows:

Date Time Workshop ​Presenter
Jan 10th ​Noon Motivating Students ​Tom Tripp
Feb 16th Noon Creating Engaging Tasks Through Technology Use ​Joy Egbert
Mar 7th Noon Augmented Reality Don McMahon
Apr 13 Noon Team Based Learning – An Interactive Introduction ​Jennifer Robinson


Getting to Know You: Joe Gottsch

Joe Gottsch — Kinesiology undergraduate student Q&A

Hometown: Spokane, Washington

Year: Junior

Why did you choose to study kinesiology?
“I’ve always been interested in how the human body moves in relation to sports and what not. I have a goal of being a physical therapist one day, so that seemed like the right path to go with that, especially being more of a weight room junkie myself you get a lot of the aspects of that and learn how everything works and moves in the body.”

Are you involved in any organizations having to do with your major?
Currently I’m an intern in Bohler Gym, in the strength and conditioning minor. So I’m in there on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 5:30 in the morning until 9:00 in the morning, and I work with rowing and throwers. It’s fun to see that and to get a different side of weight-lifting and all that for for competitive athletes compared to someone that’s just bodybuilding or trying to stay in shape and look nice.

Why did you choose to come to WSU?
So I always knew I wanted to go to Washington State. I played a lot of baseball tournaments down here and I loved the campus. Obviously during the summertime you don’t get to see it with all the students, but I’ve been to a couple football games too and I felt that the hometown feel was pretty great. I knew I wanted to do something like kinesiology or athletic training or something in that realm, I just didn’t quite know when I came here what part of that I wanted to be involved in. That took a little bit of figuring it out and talking with older members of my fraternity that were in the program, people I knew that had gone here previously, and physical therapists back home. They pointed me in the right direction towards sport science and kinesiology.


Food: Cheeseburgers

Music: Anything country

Professor: Coach Lang

Quote: “Life’s about the journey, not the destination.” – His Dad

Sport: Baseball and Football

Athlete: Dustin Johnson

Movie: The Sandlot

Where Is It? Wednesday (#WhereIsItWednesday)

Where Is It? Wednesdays. It’s a College of Education treasure hunt!

Just for some fun this semester, we’re hiding something for you to find. The person who can find it will be the recipient of something cool.

How does it work?

At about 9:30 a.m. on Wednesdays, we will reveal in which of our buildings (Cleveland/EdAd, PEB/Smith) we have hidden a pair of goofy 2015 Coug sunglasses. Your job is to be the first person to find it. You’ll bring it to our marketing and communications lounge and exchange it for whatever the prize is for the day (OK, it’s not really a lounge, just an office… a lounge sounded cool, though. It’s Cleveland 176). The prize might be a Cougs flag, it might be a Ferdinand’s gift certificate. When we post on Wednesday morning, we’ll tell you what the prize will be. You must take your picture with the prize and agree to blast it out on social media.

Will it be inside or outside the buildings?

Depends on the day. Good chance if it’s snowing or raining, it will be inside. It’ll be limited to the area that is reasonably considered part of our buildings. So, if it were outside Smith Gym, it could be on the foot bridge outside. It would not be on the football practice field.

Any places in those buildings where it won’t be?

The item will not be hidden in faculty or staff offices. It will be in common spaces, such as foyers and hallways. It will also be quasi-public spaces, such as the main advisor’s general area, or teaching certification general office. It will not be in any restroom.

Why a pair of Coug sunglasses?

They’re weird and wearing them feels funny, so we don’t do it. That means they’re just laying around the office. So… why not? Plus, we were using a very random Indiana University basketball highlight cassette tape, but someone found it and never turned it in. They stole it!

What if I get stuck while looking?

We will give hints, about every hour or hour-and-a-half. If you would like to expedite the hint process, you may take a selfie, with some kind of homemade sign. If we’re in Cleveland Hall or Education Addition that day, your sign could say something like “Teachers rock” or “Teachers help kids. Kids are our future” or “We teach the best future teachers” or “WSU’s sport management program is No. 1.” If we’re in PEB, you could have a sign that says “WSU’s Athletic Training program is the bomb” or “WSU Sport Science is the greatest.” You can always go with a general college shout out such as “WSU College of Education is the best.” If you do that, we’ll immediately DM you a hint. You can only get one of those hints every hour, though.

I’m lactose intolerant! So, if it’s a Ferdinand’s gift card…

Give it to your friend, study budy, or crush. Without a doubt, you’ll move up in their Awesome People Power Rankings.

Anybody not eligible?

Unfortunately, WSU employees, both faculty and staff, cannot participate. Any undergrad or grad student, whether they’re part of our college or not, can participate. If you’re faculty and staff but taking a class, don’t try to get tricky and say you’re a student. We won’t buy it :). And, no, “lifelong learner” doesn’t count, either.

Can I just keep the sunglasses instead?

Let’s put it this way: we’re already fingerprinting and pulling security footage to find out who stole the Indiana U basketball highlight tape. When we find that person, we will go after them to the fullest extent of the law, which is essentially us giving them dirty looks and potentially sticking our tongue out at them. We will do the same thing if you take these sunglasses.

Teacher To Be: Jessica Lee

Jessica Lee — Elementary Education

Endorsement: Special Education

“I have always had a soft spot for teaching. Growing up, I would watch my mom teach classes at a local community college and I can just remember thinking how incredible she was! I knew I wanted to do something big with my life and to be able to have an impact on people the way that she always did, and what better way to do that then through teaching!

“The more time I spend in classrooms, the more I fall in love with this career. There is truly no better feeling than watching the students you are working with have that light bulb moment when something goes from confusing or hard to “I’ve got this!” My hope is that I will one day have my own classroom that nurtures a positive, fun environment and all of my students will be able to see just how much fun learning can be.”