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Washington State University
College of Education

Research Advisory Committee

2021 Grants and Research Advisory Committee

Here are the faculty members who have agreed to serve on the Grants and Research Advisory Committee. The list is based on recommendations from leadership, direct response to request for for committee members, and an attempt to have a diverse cross-section of faculty (by campus, by stage in their career, by program area, etc.).

Sola Adesope

Yuliya Ardasheva

Kira Carbonneau

Kira Carbonneau smiling at camera.

Chris Connolly

Chris Connolly

Kathleen Cowin

Jonah Firestone


Laura Girardeau


Anne Marie Guerrettaz


Scott Jedlicka

Johnny Lupinacci

Marcus Poppen

Shikha Prashad

Amy Roth McDuffie