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Washington State University
College of Education

Faculty Fellows, Professorships, and Funding

Faculty fellows, distinguished professors, and faculty funding awards

College of Education faculty fellowships recognize outstanding scholarship and may be used to retain faculty headed for prominence. A fellowship provides salary supplements and research support.


Regents Professor

The rank of regents professor can be held by no more than 30 Washington State University faculty members at any one time. Promotion to regents professor requires service to the university for at least seven years and attainment of the highest level of professional achievement.

  • Joy Egbert. Professor. English Language Learners and Educational Technology.

Washington State Academy of Sciences

Faculty Research Funding Awards

  • Robert Catena [with Lisa Fournier (Dept. of Psychology) and Nigel Campbell (Moscow/Pullman OBGYN)], Shifting Attention and Avoiding Environmental Hazards during Pregnancy
  • Michael Dunn, Skriba 1.0: An Online Set of Resources to Help Students Improve their Argumentative Essay Writing Skills
  • Hsin-Ya Liao [with Ying-Fen Wang (National Taiwan Normal University)], Stigma and Barriers of Seeking Psychological Services: Development of a Culturally Valid Measure
  • Johnny Lupinacci, A Sense of Belonging: Valuing Urban Youth

Beginning May 16, 2022

WSU New Faculty Seed Grants (2022)

  • Jeff Walls. Education emphasis. Title: Moral Distress and Ethical Climate in Schools: Understanding the Professional Values of EducatorsEducators face competing demands every day, such as balancing attention to academic content with caring for students’ and colleagues’ basic safety and emotional needs. The ethical climate of the school and district in which they work affects educators’ experience of these competing demands. Today’s disrupted schooling and the concomitant social inequities further heighten these challenges. This project will explore the ethical basis of decision-making in schools through the lens of organizational ethical climate and teachers’ experience of moral distress. Teachers face difficult ethical choices when they confront tensions between organizational norms and rules and their own sense of what is right. We will examine the patterned ethical climates that characterize schools, as well as the main sources of moral distress that educators experience in their work. This research will elucidate why personal beliefs do not always align with organizational ethics in school settings and how the ethical backdrop of educators’ work shapes their collaborative work and classroom practice.
  • Shikha Prashad. Health/Life Science emphasis. Title: Role of Working Memory in Motor Skill Learning ProcessesMotor learning is critical for performing activities of daily living, interacting with others and the environment, engaging in activities that bring life meaning and joy (e.g., playing sports or musical instruments), and maintaining an independent lifestyle. Age-related declines in cognition, however, can impact motor learning and consequently, quality of life. The primary goal of this study is to examine the role of age-related decline in working memory on two specific processes that underlie motor skill acquisition (i.e., online and offline learning). We will assess working memory capacity and motor learning processes using cognitive tasks, motor tasks, and by measuring electrical brain activity via EEG in adults between the ages of 55-75 years and 18-30 years. This project will lay the foundation to understand the factors that underlie motor skill learning impairment and will lead to the development of effective interventions to facilitate independent living and improve the quality of life of older adults.

Berry Family Distinguished Professor

  • Brian French, Educational Psychology. Associate Dean for Research and External Funding. Director, Learning and Performance Learning Center.

Berry Family Fellowship

  • Sarah Ullrich-French and Anne Cox, Test of Mindful Movement in State Body Functionality: Enhancing Undergraduate Women’s Mental and Physical Health
  • Anne Marie Guerrettaz, Pioneering Research on Language Teaching Materials: From Spanish Foreign Language Classrooms to WSU Teacher Preparation

Mitchell Family Fellowship

  • Joy Egbert, Classroom Task Engagement and ELL Achievement

COE Faculty Research Fellowship Award

  • Sarah Newcomer, Learning through Maps and Mapping our Learning: Fostering Geo-literacy through the Use of Online, Interactive PuzzleMaps

High Risk/High Reward and Pressing Need Award

Smith Teaching and Learning Grants (2022)

STEM Excellence Award

  • Kristin Lesseig, Supporting Teacher Learning and Instructional Improvement: An Investigation of Mathematics Studios in Secondary Schools

Boeing Distinguished Professor Awards

  • Olusola Adesope, Situating STEM Education in Social Learning Environments: A Research Agenda to Enhance Learning, Retention and Attitudes in STEM
  • Andy Cavagnetto, Leveraging the Language Practices of Science: Adapting the Science Writing Heuristic to a Large Undergraduate Biology Lecture Course
  • Amy Roth McDuffieInvestigating Attention to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in K-12 STEM Teacher Education Programs (I-DEIJ) — Beginning May 16, 2022

Distinguished Professor

  • A.G. Rud, Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education.
Emma Ariyo

Anne Cox

Anne Cox smiling

Joy Egbert

Simon Ličen

Medium shot of Simon Licen over a generic sports/recreation background

Amy Roth McDuffie

Amy Roth McDuffie smiling at camera with golden-lit background.

Margaret Vaughn