Anne Marie Guerrettaz
Anne Marie Guerrettaz
Associate Professor
Berry Family Fellow (2019-2021)
Pullman campus
Cleveland hall 339
PO box 642114
pullman, WA 99164
Research interests
Anne Marie Guerrettaz has pioneered educational linguistics research in two primary areas: 1) language teaching materials (e.g. textbooks, high-tech resources, teacher created materials, etc.) and the ways that these are used by and affect language teachers and learners in the classroom; and 2) Indigenous language revitalization and education, including Yucatec Maya teaching and language planning in southeastern Mexico.
In addition to shaping the field of language education in these two aforementioned areas, Dr. Guerrettaz also researches identity in language education, particularly postcolonial identities and language teacher identity. Related to this, Prof. Guerrettaz has recently conducted various practitioner studies on ELL teacher development, related to equity and diversity.
Select publications
- Guerrettaz, A. M., Mathieu, C., Lee, S., & Berwick, A. (In press). Materials use in language classrooms: A research agenda. Language Teaching: Studies and Surveys.
- Guerrettaz, A. M. (In press). Coda: Conceptualizing ‘materials-in-interaction’ as assemblages, grammars of action, and phenomenological activity. In C. Mathieu, N. Marcos Miguel, & T. Jakonen (Eds.), “Discourse at the intersection of language education and materiality” [Special issue]. Classroom Discourse.
- Guerrettaz, A. M., Engman, M. & Matsumoto, Y. (2021). Empirically defining language learning and teaching materials in use through sociomaterial perspectives. The Modern Language Journal, 105(S1), 3-20.
- Guerrettaz, A. M. (2021). Materials‐in‐action: Pedagogical ergonomics of a French‐as‐a‐foreign‐language classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 105(S1), 39-64.
- Guerrettaz, A. M., Chan Dzul, M. O., & Pomol Cahum, I. Y. (2020). Yucatec-Maya language revitalization: A reconceptualization of Indigeneity and call for action. The Modern Language Journal, 104(2), 511-519.
- Guerrettaz, A. M., Johnson, E. J. & Ernst-Slavit, G. (2020) a Planificación Lingüística del Maya Yucateco y la Educación Bilingüe en Yucatán. Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas/Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28.
- Guerrettaz, A. M., Sotirovska, V., Boyd, A., & Zahler, T. (2020). “We acted like ELLs”: A pedagogy of embodiment in preservice teacher education. Language Teaching Research.
- Guerrettaz, A. M. (2020). “We are the Mayas”: Indigenous language revitalization, identification, and Postcolonialism in the Yucatan, Mexico. Linguistics and Education, 58.
- Guerrettaz, A. M. (2020). ¿A quiénes les pertenece el maya yucateco? Revitalización y políticas lingüísticas en Yucatán, México. In M. Niño-Murcia, V. Zavala & S. de los Heros (Eds.), Hacia una sociolinguística crítica: Desarrollos y Debates. San Miguel Lima, Peru: Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- Guerrettaz, A. M. (2019). Yucatec Maya language planning and the struggle of the linguistic standardization process. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2019(260), 61-83.
- Guerrettaz, A. M., & Zahler, T. (2017). Black Lives Matter in TESOL: De-silencing race in a second language academic literacy course. TESOL Quarterly, 51, 193–207.
- Guerrettaz, A. M. (2015). Ownership of language in Yucatec Maya revitalization pedagogy. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 46, 167–185.
- Guerrettaz, A. M., & Johnston, B. (2014). The concept of the classroom ecology and the roles of teachers in materials use. The Modern Language Journal, 98, 671-672.
- Guerrettaz, A. M., & Johnston, B. (2013). Materials in the classroom ecology. The Modern Language Journal, 97, 779–796.
Grant-funded research (current)
- Spencer Foundation Small Grant ($49,999): Research to Improve U.S. Foreign Language Education: How Do Instructional Materials in Spanish Classrooms Help or Hinder Students in Learning to Speak the Language? (co-PIs N. Marcos Miguel & N. Bell) 2019-2020
- Berry Family Fellowship, WSU ($15,000): Pioneering Research on Language Teaching Materials: From Spanish Foreign Language Classrooms to WSU Teacher Preparation, 2019-2021
- Indigenous Language Revitalization: WSU Students Reviving and Reclaiming Local Native Languages. Funded by:
- Samuel H. and Patricia W. Smith Teaching and Learning Grant, WSU ($7,000) 2019
- Collaborative Faculty Research Retreat Award, COE ($1,000) (co-PI Z. Higheagle Strong) 2019
- A lifelong teacher: Dr. Guerrettaz was a classroom language teacher—of ELL (ESL), Spanish, and French—for ten years before beginning her appointment at Washington State University.
- WSU students: Dr. Guerrettaz regularly teaches in various graduate and undergraduate programs and enjoys sharing her passion for language teaching and linguistic diversity with pre- and in-service educators as well as emerging scholars. Her teaching interests span diverse areas of language education practice and scholarship, including language pedagogy, classroom discourse, and sociolinguistics, among others.
- Mentoring emerging scholars: As principal investigator on various active research grant projects, Prof. Guerrettaz trains graduate and undergraduate students to become researchers themselves. Also, through her work in MUSE International, Dr. Guerrettaz also regularly co-authors with MA and PhD students.
- Indigenous language education: Recently, Dr. Guerrettaz co-created a course on Indigenous language reclamation at WSU, which is co-taught and co-designed with collaborators from nearby Native American tribes. Indigenous language reclamation is a global movement for local languages — a project and topic that is very close to Prof. Guerrettaz’s heart.
MUSE International
Anne Marie Guerrettaz is a co-founder of MUSE International (Materials Use in Language Classrooms: An International Research Group), which has members from five continents who study the use of materials in actual language classrooms. Members include researchers, language teachers, and materials writers interested in the intended and unintended impacts of instructional materials on classroom language teaching and learning.
Service to / leadership in the field (select examples)
- Lead co-guest editor, The Modern Language Journal (with M. Engman & K. Graves). Special issue entitled, “Sociomaterial perspectives on materials use across language learning and teaching contexts.”
- Book/First Book Award Committee, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
Select media appearances
- Montoya, M. (2019, August). College highlights. Provost Perspective. Retrieved from - Chapman, B. (2019, August). Textbook learning issues, literally. WSU Insider. Retrieved from
- Guerrettaz, A. M., Grandon, M., Berwick, A., Lee, S., Mathieu, C., Murray, A. & Pourhaji, M. (2018). Open letter from MUSE International. Folio, 18, 6. Retrieved from
- “Maestros de maya están en una posición precaria” in Spanish (English Translation “Maya Teachers in Precarious Position“)
Past grants, awards, and honors (select examples)
- AAAL Indigenous Language Scholar Fund Award ($780) 2019
- WSU International Travel Research Award ($5,000) 2017
- New Faculty Seed Grant, Washington State University ($18,000) 2015
- Faculty Research Funding Award, Washington State University ($5,000) 2015
- Faculty Support Grant, Washington State University ($1,000) 2015
- Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Indiana University ($20,000) 2012-2013
- Research Award, Indiana University ($1,500) 2012
- Latin American Fellowship, General Federation of Women’s Clubs ($1,500) 2010
- Scholarship and Travel Award, International Society for Gesture Studies ($5,000) 2010
- Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, US Department of Education ($6,500, $6,500) 2009 & 2010
Educational background
- PhD, Second Language Studies, Indiana University, 2013
- MAT, TESOL/Spanish/French endorsements, Notre Dame of Maryland University, 2006
- BA, French Literature and Culture, St. Mary’s College of Notre Dame, 2004