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Washington State University
College of Education

Shannon Calderone

Shannon Calderone, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Educational Leadership & Statewide Ed.D. Program Coordinator
Department of Educational Leadership & Sport Management
Washington State University, Everett
915 North Broadway, Office #410
Everett, WA 98201
Phone: (425) 405-1652
Curriculum Vitae || LinkedIn

Research Interests

My research focuses on democratic practice within K-16 educational spaces and its potential to foster more robust academic and social outcomes for students, staff, and leadership. I am particularly interested in how trust and risk serve as key elements in creating coherence and alignment within educational environments. As part of this work, I have explored topics such as the development of undergraduate social trust and its broader implications for trust within institutional systems. My scholarship also addresses the critical role of democratic practice in school improvement and highlights the importance of diversity and equity initiatives in supporting democratic pluralism and fostering critical citizenship. These interconnected themes shape my ongoing inquiry into the dynamics of democratic engagement in education and its capacity to build more inclusive and resilient learning communities.

Areas of expertise: 

Democratic Engagement in K-16 spaces, School Improvement & Change, Educational Equity & Inclusion, Trust & Social Trust,, Institutional Sustainability and Cohesion, Risk Leadership.

Teaching Interests

I currently teach in the WSU statewide Ed.D. and the International School Leadership Program (ISLP).  Given my interests in educational coherence and democratic practice my teaching focuses on leading for school improvement and change, educational policy, and the social foundations of educational practice.  Current courses taught include the following:

Statewide Ed.D. Program

  • EDRES 563 Principles in Research (Fall)
  • ED AD 591 Leading for School Improvement (Fall)
  • EDAD 582 Policy Formation in Education (Summer)

Principal/Administrator Certification 

  • ED AD 509 Leading School Improvement (Spring)

Selected Publications


  • Calderone, S. M., Lozano, M., Serafini, A., & Martinez, M. The relevance of cross-racial trust in diverse faculty co-mentoring. Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education.
  • Wilder, C. & Calderone, S.M. (accepted). The Role of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Doctoral Research and Writing. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice.
  • Van Orman, D. S. J., Ardasheva, Y., Calderone, S.M., Hsiao, Y-J., Maleki, G., & Dai, S. (Under Contract). Building culturally sustaining orientations to teaching and assessment. In L. DeMartino & L. Fetman (Eds.), Moving from Trendy Growth to Asset-Based Mindsets in Schools (Vol. 2 Demystifying Social Justice Education: Moving from Trendy to Transformative Equity and Justice Practices in Schools). Myers Education Press.

Book Chapters

  • Calderone, S. M. (2023). Educational leadership & preparation in the risk society. In D. J. Fowler, J. Vasquez Heilig, S. M. Jouganatos, & A. Johnson (Eds.), Equity & access: An analysis of educational leadership preparation, policy, & practice (pp. 143-156). Information Age Publishing.
  • Calderone, S. M., McDonald, T., Hill, G., & Derrington, M. L. (2021). Life Course and Gender: Unpacking Women’s Thoughts About Access to the Superintendency. In Fuller, K., Moorosi, P., Showunmi, V., Shah, S. J. A., Eds. (2021). Ways of Seeing Women’s Leadership in Education: Stories, Images, Metaphors, Methods and Theories (pp. 70-81). Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88971-944-0.
  • Calderone, S.M. (2021).  The Power of Relational Work: Reimagining New Forms of Financial Citizenship through Sociability (& Rejoinder). In Financialization, Financial Literacy, and Social Education, edited by Thomas A. Lucey. Routledge.
  • Calderone, S.M. (2021).  Rejoinder Response to “Financial Literacy, Financial Liberation:  Towards a Critical Race Approach to Financial Education”. In Financialization, Financial Literacy, and Social Education, edited by Thomas A. Lucey. Routledge.
  • Kruse, S.D. & Calderone, S.M. (2020).  Cultural Competency and Higher Education: Toward Racial Reckoning on College Campuses. In Handbook of Social Justice Interventions in Education (Springer), edited by Carol A. Mullens.

Journal Articles

Recent Research Reports & Briefings




  • College of Education Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2021-22)

Selected Service

  • President, Washington Educational Research Association (WERA) 2024-25
  • WERA Board Member (2023-24)
  • Member of AERA Division A Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (2024-27)




Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles (Higher Education & Organizational Change)

M.A. University of California, Los Angeles (Higher Education & Organizational Change)

B.A.  Georgetown University (History)