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Washington State University
College of Education

Anthony Gordon Rud Jr.

A.G. Rud

Distinguished Professor
Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education
Pullman campus
Cleveland Hall 332
Pullman, WA  99164


Curriculum Vitae

ResearchGate | LinkedIn

About Dr. Rud

A.G. Rud is nationally known for his expertise in the philosophical dimensions of education. His research focuses on the cultural foundations of education, with particular emphasis on the moral dimensions of teaching, learning, and leading, P-20.

Rud is past president of the John Dewey Society and edited its peer-reviewed international journal Education and Culture for six years. He is past chair of the Dewey Studies Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association. Rud was president of the Philosophy of Education Society in 2023-2024.

He is widely published in his field. He contributed to and coedited two books on Dewey recently.

Rud strongly believes in the importance of faculty governance. He chaired the WSU Faculty Senate and the WSU Presidential Commission on Campus Climate. In addition, he served on a working group that advised a restructuring and reconceptualization of the WSU system as a dynamic and communicative matrix organization. The addition of a Pullman campus chancellor (effective January 1, 2022) is one of the recommendations the working group offered that has been implemented.




This audio comes from the college’s Education Eclipse podcast and was officially released on August 29, 2019. Total Run Time: 24:53.

This audio comes from the college’s Education Eclipse podcast and was officially released on March 09, 2016. Total Run Time: 6:54.


In the News

Books w/ related media

Areas of expertise

  • Philosophy of Education
  • History of American Education
  • Cultural Studies of Education
  • Moral Dimensions of Leading, Learning, and Teaching
  • John Dewey and Education
  • Higher Education
  • Theory of Technology in Education

Teaching and advising

Rud teaches graduate courses in the cultural studies and social thought in education doctoral program, in philosophy of education, history of education, John Dewey and progressive education, and social theories of education. He also teaches and coordinates a required course for the undergraduate teacher education program on learning and development, and, for five years, taught an advanced version in the master’s in teaching program. Rud advises doctoral and master’s students.

Selected recent books

  • Ávila, J., Rud. A., Waks, L., & Ring, E. (Eds.) (2022). The contemporary relevance of John Dewey’s theories on teaching and learning: Deweyan perspectives on standardization, accountability, and assessment in education. Routledge.
  • Maarhuis, P., & Rud, A. (Eds.) (2020). Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience. Brill/Sense.
  • Adesope, O., & Rud, A. (Eds.) (2019). Contemporary technologies in education: Maximizing student engagement, motivation, and learning. Palgrave Macmillan. Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award, 2019.
  • You, Z., Rud, A., & Hu, Y. (2018). The philosophy of Chinese moral education: A history. Palgrave Macmillan. Honorable Mention, Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award, 2019.