The elements of a good research poster session range from comfortable shoes (if you’re a presenter on your feet for hours) to free refreshments (great coffee, those miniature chocolate cupcakes). Even more important, though, is a catchy poster image.
This cartoon, with its message about different cultural perspectives, will be on the poster presented by Professor Gisela Ernst-Slavit at this Friday’s WSU 2011 Academic Showcase in Pullman. The title of her presentation: “Othering” in Elementary Social Studies: A Critical Analysis of Teacher Talk. Gisela’s research partner, doctoral student Michele Mason, won’t be on hand, but Michele explained their work for the WSU Today article, “Teacher’s word choices can reinforce stereotypes.”
Other College of Education presenters will be:
- Kristin Huggins: The Emergence of the Hybrid Teacher Leader to Facilitate District and School Reform
- Olusola Adesope with Tracy Lavin, Terry Thompson, and Charles Ungerleider: Meeting the English Literacy Needs of ESL Immigrant Students
- Brian French with graduate student Chad Gotch: Elementary Teachers’ Knowledge and Self-Efficacy for Measurement Concepts
- Brian McNeill with graduate students Arlene Carrasco, Laura Preciado, and Dan Neighbors: Indigenous Healing in Mexico
- Timothy Church, Brian French, Marcia Katigbak, and Fernando Ortiz with graduate Students Juan Alvarez and Nhu Mai: Are Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Personality Profiles Meaningful? Differential Item and Facet Functioning in the Revised NEO Personality Inventory
- John Wong and Bob Rinehart: Physical Prowess, Body, and National Identity: The Bruce Lee Story
- Susan Finley: The AHAS EPortfolio: Educational Technology for Highly Transient Students
- Sarah Ullrich-French with undergraduates Eric Anderies, Cassaundra Bergman and Timothy Rasmussen: Yes Wii Can: Undergraduate Student Mentors in a Physical Activity Intervention
- Robert Hougham: Palouse Pollinators: Growing, Learning and Being in Community
- Xyanthe Neider: Complicating Campus and Community Ecologies: Disruptions, Interactions, and Experiences of Students of Middle Eastern Heritages
- Richard Sawyer: Duoethnography as Dialectic Narrative Research
- Richard Sawyer: Educational Resistance at the Crossroads of Tension and Change: An Investigation of the Impact of Globalization in Southern Mexico and Palestine
- Jenny Lee (graduate student) with Timothy Church, Alicia Del Prado, Marcia Katigbak, Jose de Jesus Vargas-Flores, Joselina Ibanez-Reyes, Guy Curtis, Monica Whitty and Fernando Ortiz: Cultural Differences in the Content of Self-Concepts: Agentic and Communal Traits
- Dana Fairbrother (graduate student) with Timothy Church: Differential Prediction of Life Satisfaction Across Cultures
- Heidi Stanton Schnebly (graduate student): Writings from the Margins: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Voice, Presence, and Agency
- Jared Karstetter (undergraduate) with Kasee Hildenbrand and graduate students Lee Martin and Keith Schlect: Do Neck Strength Deficits Correlate to the Incidence of Concussion?
- James Johnson (undergraduate) with Lawrence Bruya and Dan Peterson: Childhood Nutrition Habits
- Loren Meador with Lawrence Bruya: Aggression Levels in Combat Veterans
- Jennifer Beller with Erika Lund (undergaraduate): Moral reasoning differences between intercollegiate athletes and kinesiology majors relative to doping in sport.