Thanks to Washington State Magazine, our college has an updated format for sharing news about alumni.  Better yet, our grads  have a way of sharing their own news.

Screen shot of MyStory featureInstead of posting the life/career updates on a College of Education web page, we’re using the magazine’s online class notes feature called “My Story.”  This works like a blog.  News posts about promotions, honors, new jobs, retirements and the like show up in the main “My Story” section.  Posts that are flagged College of Education also will show up in the Education Alumni list, as seen in the screen shot above.

If you are an alum or want to share news about someone who is, drop us a note at, and we’ll post the information for you on MyStory.  Alumni can also create their own MyStory accounts and post their own news — in which case, we encourage them to check the box that indicates their affiliation with our college.