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Washington State University
College of Education

Master in Teaching – Application Information TriCities


When is the application due?

Priority Application Deadlines: January 31

  • This is the preferred deadline for receiving all application materials for the best chance of obtaining a placement with a mentor in a local school district.
  • Although late applications may be considered they are on a space-available basis through the closing date and the department cannot guarantee an admission decision will be made prior to the start of the semester for which you apply.

Applications Close Dates: April 01

  • Classes start the in early May for the TriCities cohort.

How do I apply to the MIT Program?

Phase I: Application to WSU Graduate School
  • Go to GradCAS
    • Select Summer 2025
  • Create an account
  • Type or search for “Washington State University Master in Teaching TriCities”
    • Select your program (Elementary or Secondary)
  • Enter Personal and Academic Details
    • Personal Information
    • Supporting Information
      • Upload a brief resume; if you don’t have much work experience, list your participation in teams, clubs, and community organizations
    • Academic History
      • Include information about all universities and colleges attended (including community colleges)
      • Upload unofficial transcripts
        • Later, after you are admitted, you will submit official transcripts for non-WSU coursework
      • Standardized tests: Select “I am not adding any standardized tests”
        • No tests are required to submit your GradCAS application
  • Program Materials
    • There is incorrect information in GradCAS about the required documents, which can no longer be edited. Please follow the instructions and information below:
      • Personal statement
        • Please use the template here for your personal statements and application essays
          • Once completed, please upload to the Application Essay box
      • Other. Please list any experiences relevant to teaching and mentoring youth; please download and complete this form (Word or PDF)
  • Recommendations
    • Provide contact information for at least 3 individuals:
      • Be sure to let your references know that they will receive an email from GradCAS
      • Because some GradCAS emails get routed to spam folders and some references are slow to complete online forms, applicants request references from 4 or 5 individuals; this is completely optional
Phase II: College of Education information
  • Collect evidence of meeting basic academic skills:
    • If you have taken the SAT, ACT, or West-B in all three subject areas (reading, math, and writing), gather your official test results and send to WSU.
    • If you took the SAT or ACT before writing subject tests, take the West-B writing test and send your results to WSU.
    • If you went to WSU for undergrad, WSU may have a copy of your official SAT or ACT.  Please contact for aid in locating your scores.
  • Secondary applicants only: If you do not hold a BA or BS in the content area that you want to teach, submit your unofficial transcript(s) and a self-evaluation form. This will help us identify potential coursework deficiencies.
    • If you have questions about this form, please email Staci Bickhaupt (
  • Questions regarding the process, please contact
Phase III: Preliminary Admission
  • Congratulations! You on are on way to becoming a teacher!
  • Full admission cannot be granted until you have demonstrated proficiency in your content area:
    • Elementary applicants must pass the Elementary Education Exam (Subtests I and II).
    • Secondary applicants with a BA or BS in their subject area must pass a West-E or NES exam.  Secondary applicants who do not hold a BA or BS in their subject area can wait until student teaching to take this exam.
    • All content exams need to be completed no later than a full month before your first class starts.
Phase V: Full Admission
  • Get ready to start taking classes in the beginning of May!
Phase VI: Enrollment and Beyond
  • Enjoy your classes and making friends in your cohort! You will be able to rely on each other through your journey through your degree program and beyond into teaching.