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Washington State University
College of Education

Content exam case-by-case exception FAQs

Content exam case-by-case (CBC) exception FAQs


Case-by-Case Info Session Recording

Who is eligible for the CBC exception?

Undergraduate WSU students who have completed all certification requirements, with the exception of the internship and the content exam (NES or WEST-E), and who have taken the content exam at least once (see the undergraduate CBC information here). Current WSU MIT admits are also eligible for the CBC exception under different policies based on their prior degree and the endorsement they are pursuing:

I am an elementary education student; do I have to take both subtests to qualify for the CBC exception?

Yes. Your request will not be reviewed if you have not attempted both subtests.

When can I apply for the CBC exception?

For undergraduate candidates, completed packets are due by November 1 or March 31 of your student teaching semester. They will also be accepted at any point thereafter, but will not be reviewed until November 1 or March 31 depending on the submission date.

For MIT candidates, the CBC deadlines are dependent upon your program timeline:

  • For MIT programs that begin in the fall, December 1
  • For MIT programs that begin in the spring, April 15
  • For MIT programs that begin in the summer, July 15

I am a MIT candidate and have not passed my content exam; am I eligible for the CBC exception?

The MIT CBC policy differs from the undergraduate CBC policy. For more information and eligibility stipulations for MIT students, please see our MIT CBC policies:

Are the ACTFL Oral and Written exams eligible for the CBC exception?

No. Only WEST-E and NES content exams are eligible for the CBC exception.

How do I convert my supporting documents into PDFs, merge separate PDF pages, or merge separate PDF files?

Several helpful guides for converting common document types and combining PDF files can be found here: How to Convert and Combine PDF Files

Where can I find the competencies for my endorsement?

Washington’s endorsement competencies can be found on the Professional Educator Standards Board’s (PESB) website: Endorsement competencies – Professional Educator Standards Board (

I finished WSU’s program a few years ago; can I still request the CBC review?

Yes. This option is available for any current and previous WSU teacher candidates who have attempted their major endorsement content exam(s) (NES or WEST-E) and who have completed all other certification requirements.

How do I request the CBC exception?

Detailed instructions are available here:

When will requests be reviewed?

For undergraduate candidates, CBC requests will be reviewed twice a year following the submission deadline of November 1 or March 31.

For MIT candidates, CBC requests will be reviewed following the submission deadline for your program timeline:

  • For MIT programs that begin in the fall, after December 1
  • For MIT programs that begin in the spring, after April 15
  • For MIT programs that begin in the summer, after July 15

If my CBC exception request is approved will I have to take the WEST-E or NES again?

No. The CBC fulfills the content exam requirement.

If I pass the exam do I have to go through the CBC exception process?

No. Passing the exam fulfills the requirement. The CBC is completely optional.

Who will review my request?

The CBC Review Committee will include a minimum of three members representing faculty, field/certification, and equity and inclusion.

How will I know if my request is approved?

For undergraduate candidates, you will receive an email from the Office of Field Services and Certification notifying you of the decision by the end of the term.

For MIT candidates, you will receive an email from the Office of Field Services and Certification within a month of the submission deadlines affiliated with your program timeline:

  • For MIT programs that begin in the fall, December 1
  • For MIT programs that begin in the spring, April 15
  • For MIT programs that begin in the summer, July 15

Can Washington School Districts see my CBC exception approval?

Yes, Washington School Districts can see if a student passed or did not pass their exams, as well as if a CBC exception has been approved. Your test record and results are available for school districts to see through OSPI and eCert.

I plan to move out of state; will I still need to take a content exam?

Teacher certification is mandated by each state. You will need to check the certification requirements for that state.

I want to add an endorsement though the “test only” route and I have not been able to pass the exam. Can I go through WSU’s CBC review?

No. The CBC option is only for students who have completed one of WSU’s approved endorsement programs.

I did not complete my program at WSU and have not been able to pass the content exam. Can I go through WSU’s CBC process?

At this time, WSU is only reviewing candidates who are currently or were previously enrolled in our teacher education program.


For any additional questions, please contact