Mike Trevisan
Mike Trevisan
Dean — College of Education
Educational Psychology
Pullman campus
Cleveland hall 160
pullman, WA 99164
Curriculum Vita
Mike Trevisan was appointed dean of the Washington State University College of Education effective April 3, 2013. He was reappointed for another 5-year term June 1, 2018.
Research/professional interests
Dr. Trevisan is working on the use of program evaluation for the betterment of schools and communities. Much of this work is focused on building the professional capacity of school personnel to carry out evaluation work. Dr. Trevisan has provided workshops and seminars on various evaluation topics to graduate students and faculty in Canada, Greece, India, Italy, Korea, and Thailand. Dr. Trevisan is a founding member of the International Society of Policy Research and Evaluation in School-based Counseling (ISPRESC), an international coalition of faculty, deans, policy makers, and practitioners, promoting school-based counseling as a policy mechanism to support K-12 students and teachers in countries around the world. In 2020, Dr. Trevisan was elected as chair-elect of ISPRESC and is currently serving serving a 3-year term in this role, after which he will serve as chair.
Recent accomplishments
Walser, T., & Trevisan, M. (2021). Completing your evaluation dissertation, thesis, or culminating project. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Trevisan, M. S., & Carey, J. C. (2020). Program evaluation in school counseling: Improving comprehensive and developmental programs. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, LLC: New York, NY.
Trevisan, M.S., & Carey, J.C. (2020). Evaluating intercultural programs and interventions. In A. Portera, R. Moodley, & M. Milani (Eds.), Intercultural mediation counselling and psychotherapy in Europe (188-210). Cambridge Scholars, UK.
Lee, S. M., & Trevisan, M. S. (2019). Evaluation in support of school counseling in Korea: A proposal. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 16(1), 63-80.
Fulbright Specialist Grant Award, Building Evaluation Capacity in School Counseling. Host Institution: Korea University. FSP-P001392. 2018
Educational background
Ph.D. Educational Psychology, University of Washington, 1990
M.Ed., Educational Psychology, University of Washington, 1988
B.A. Mathematics, San Jose State University, 1983