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Washington State University
College of Education

AFTOC Ambassadors

Our ambassadors help spread our message — and make things fun!

The Alhadeff Future Teachers of Color (AFTOC) program was established in response to the under-representation of ethnic minorities in the field of education. This includes individuals who wish to become teachers, principals, superintendents, and educational association or instructional leaders.

Our student ambassadors work on a variety of projects aimed at recruiting and retaining AFTOC members, striving practices toward social justice in education, and providing networking opportunities for participants.

For their efforts, they receive a $2,500 scholarship from the James Taylor Future Teachers of Color Endowment.

For more information on becoming an ambassador, contact Amir Gilmore at

To apply for the AFTOC Ambassador position (Pullman only):

AFTOC ambassador responsibilities

AFTOC ambassador application

Meet our 2023-2024 ambassadors ### and ###!


Thank you to our ambassador alumni: