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Washington State University
College of Education

Robert Danielson

Robert Danielson

Assistant Professor
Educational Psychology
Spokane Campus
Center for Clinical Research and Simulation, 211
412 E. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99210-2131


Curriculum Vitae || Research Gate || Google Scholar

Research Interests

How learning with texts and graphics may promote epistemic and conceptual change around STEM concepts. My research focuses on students in K-12 through college, as well as members of the public. I also examine the educational, policy, and health-related implications of the public’s understanding of science.


  • Ph. D. in Urban Education Policy, University of Southern California
    • Concentration: Educational Psychology
  • M. A. in Psychological Science, California State University, Chico
  • B. A. in Psychology, California State University, Chico

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Journals 

  • Danielson, R. W., Sinatra, G. M., Dai, S., Seyranian, V., Heddy, B. C., Polikoff, M. S., & Marsh, J. A. (2024). Validating an Instrument to Assess 4th Grade Students’ Interest in STEM Content. Journal of Experimental Education.
  • *Ramazan, O., Dai, S., Danielson, R. W., Ardasheva, Y., *Hao, T., & Austin, B. W. (2023). Students’ 2018 PISA Reading Self-concept: Identifying Predictors and Examining Model Generalizability for Emergent Bilingual Students. Journal of School Psychology.
  • *Jin, G., *Ramazan, O., & Danielson, R. W. (2023). Effects of refutational texts and seductive pictures on conceptual change, situational interest, and cognitive loads. Journal of Experimental Education.
  • Heddy, B. C., Danielson, R. W., *Ross, K., & Goldman, J. A. (2023). Everyday engineering: The effects of transformative experience in middle school engineering. The Journal of Engineering Education.
  • * Ramazan, O., Danielson, R. W., Rougée, A., Ardasheva, Y., & Austin, B. W. (2023)Effects of Classroom and School Climate on Linguistically Diverse Students’ PISA Mathematics Self-Concept and Achievement Scores. Large-scale Assessment.
  • Dai, S., *Hao, T., Ardasheva, Y., *Ramazan, O., Danielson, R. W., & Austin, B. W. (2023). PISA Reading Achievement: Identifying Predictors and examining Model Generalizability for Multilingual Students. Reading and Writing.
  • Danielson, R. W., Sinatra, G. M., Trevors, G., Muis, K. R., Pekrun, R., & Heddy, B. C. (2022). Can Multiple Texts Prompt Causal Thinking? The Role of Epistemic Emotions. Journal of Experimental Education.
  • Danielson, R. W., *Grace, E., White, A. J., Kelton, M. K., Owen, J. P., Saba Fisher, K., Diaz Martinez, A., & +Mozo, M. (2022). Facilitating Systems Thinking Through Arts-Based STEM Integration. Frontiers in STEM Education.
  • Taasoobshirazi, G., Heddy, B. C., Danielson, R. W., Abraham, E. R. I. & Joji, S. (2022). Development and psychometric analysis of the meta-representations survey for physics: Understanding students’ free-body diagrams. Journal of Learning Theory and Methodology, 3(3), 93-101
  • *Turk, M., Heddy, B. C., & Danielson, R. W. (2022). Teaching and social presences supporting basic needs satisfaction in online learning environments: How can presences and basic needs happily meet online? Computers & Education, 180, 104432.
  • Heddy, B. C, Lombardi, D., & Danielson, R. W. (2021). The Moral Side of the Climate Crisis: The Effect of Moral Conviction on Learning about Climate Change. The Educational and Developmental Psychologist Special Issue: Climate Crisis.
  • Lippmann, M., Danielson, R. W., Schwartz, N. H., Körndle, H., & Narciss, S. (2020). Effects of Keyword Tasks and Biasing Titles on Metacognition and Recall. Metacognition and Learning.
  • *Thacker, I., Sinatra, G. M., Muis, K. R., Danielson, R. W., Pekrun, R., Winne, P. H., & Chevrier, M. (2019). Using Persuasive Refutation Texts to Prompt Attitudinal and Conceptual Change. Journal of Educational Psychology.
  • Heddy, B. C., Taasoobshirazi, G., *Chancey, J. B., & Danielson, R. W. (2018). Developing and Validating a Conceptual Change Cognitive Engagement Instrument. Frontiers in Education. (Vol 3, p. 43).
  • Polikoff, M. S., Le, Q. T., Danielson, R. W., Sinatra, G. M., & Marsh, J. (2018). The Impact of Speedometry on Student Knowledge, Interest, and Emotions. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. 1-23,
  • Mason, L., Baldi, R., Di Ronco, S., Scrimin, S., Danielson, R. W., & Sinatra, G. M. (2017). Textual and graphical refutations: Effects on conceptual change learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 49, 275-288.
  • Danielson, R. W. & Sinatra, G. M. (2017). A Relational Reasoning Approach to Text-Graphic Processing. Educational Psychology Review, 29(1), 55-72.
  • Heddy, B. C., Danielson, R. W., Sinatra, G. M., & Graham, J. (2017). Modifying Knowledge, Emotions, and Attitudes about Genetically Modified Organisms. Journal of Experimental Education. 85(3), 513-533.
  • Danielson, R. W. & Sinatra, G. M., Kendeou, P. (2016). Augmenting the Refutation Text Effect with Metaphors and Graphics. Discourse Processes, 53(5-6), 392-414.
  • Lombardi, D., Danielson, R. W., and Young, N. (2016). A plausible connection: Critical evaluation, the refutation effect, and plausibility reappraisal. Learning and Instruction, 44 74-86.
  • Danielson, R. W., Schwartz, N. H., & Lippmann, M. (2015). Metaphorical Graphics Aid Learning and Memory. Learning and Instruction, 39, 194-205.

Book Chapters

  • Corwin, Z.B. & Danielson, R. (2016). Admission is the Mission: How First Generation Students Approach Learning About College Through Games. In: Diversifying Barbie and Mortal Kombat: Carnegie-Mellon Press
  • Sinatra, G. M., & Danielson, R. W. (2016). Adapting Evolution Education to a Warming Climate of Teaching and Learning. In Evolutionary Perspectives on Child Development and Education (pp. 271-290). Springer International Publishing.
  • Corwin, B. Z., Danielson, R. W., Ragusa, G., & Tierney, W., G. (2016). Can Games Facilitate Access to College? In: O’Neil, H. F., Baker, E. L., & Perez, R. S. (Eds.) Using Games and Simulations for Teaching and Assessment: Key Issues. Routledge/Taylor Francis.

Invited Op-Ed