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Washington State University
College of Education

Submitting Grant Proposal


Download the Proposal Planning Form, used for all external grant proposals (federal and state agencies, foundations, contracts, and OGRD limited submissions), WSU New Faculty Seed Grants, and letters of inquiry.

You may also obtain the form by emailing the Faculty Research Development Coordinator and requesting it.


Fill out form completely. For letters of inquiry, you need to only fill out the top half of the form.


Submit the form by:

  • Clicking SUBMIT on top right of form
  • Clicking SEND in the pop-up box
  • Clicking “Default email application” and then click CONTINUE
  • Click OK on outgoing message pop-up
  • Saving a copy on your computer for your records
  • Checking your sent email to confirm that file was sent

For collaborative proposals, only one COE PI or COE collaborator (for grants originating in other departments) should submit the form. 

Do not submit this form for COE Faculty Funding Awards and Fellowships.


Once the form is submitted (see step 3), it will automatically be sent to the Faculty Research Development Coordinator, Laura Girardeau.


The Faculty Research Development Coordinator will forward the form to the appropriate budget managers, administrators, and, for foundation grants, development personnel.