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Washington State University
College of Education

Noyce Scholars 2022

Best of the best

We’d like to introduce you to our current class of Noyce Scholars. These students are not only exceptional in their current scholarly endeavors, but are 100 percent dedicated to top-notch mathematics education and the students they will serve.

Amanda Bertoch

Question: What is your vision for the Math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a teacher. When I was younger, after I learned something interesting at school, I would sit my younger brothers down and teach them what I learned and called it ‘playing with them’ because I enjoyed it so much. I have had some amazing teachers who have all helped and inspired me in different ways and I want to be able to do that for others. My goal is to create a safe learning environment that is welcoming and equitable for everyone.

Question: You’re outstanding, why teach?  

Answer: I want to make learning math a positive experience for my future students, and I believe that I will be able to do that after my time with Noyce.

Mickinley Chin

Question: What is your vision for your future math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: High school is all about self-discovery and learning how to interact with other people. I want students to come to class every day, ready to participate, engage, build off one another, but most importantly foster a safe learning environment. I want my students to look beyond the numbers and understand the implications they can bring. I want my students to reflect later in life and state that my class was the one that changed them for the better. Thus, my goal for my future math classroom is to create a group of learners dedicated towards community and self-improvement.

Question: You’re outstanding, why are you wanting to teach?

Answer: First and foremost, I want to teach students because I want to inspire them towards whatever goal they want to reach for. Every student we interact with has an infinite amount of potential to change the world. I want to help guide them towards wherever their passions lead them.

Secondly, math has always been something I’ve been passionate about. There are times where we just state the facts, 1 will always equal 1. Yet there are also times where we can go off the deep-end of theoretical math, like how objects in a 4-D space exist in hyperbolic geometry. I want to inspire students to see the beautiful duality of math and strive to learn as much as they can.

Lita Forse

Question: What is your vision for the Math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: My goal for the math classroom that I am creating is to make a place where everyone can learn. To learn, a student must feel comfortable being their full self in the classroom. I make it my personal responsibility to know each of my students and be able to make math matter to them.

Question: You’re outstanding, why teach?  

Answer: I want to teach to impact the way that people view mathematics. As I learned mathematics, I felt like the subject was not being represented with the beauty that can exist in mathematics. It was often just something that students had to learn, and I want to teach to make math applicable to each and every student that walks into my classroom.

Grace Jacobsen

Question: What is your vision for your future math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: My vision for my future classroom is one where students feel the freedom to learn. Many people feel anxious or frustrated with mathematics, and I want my future students to be able to explore and learn while minimizing the amount of pressure to complete problems in a certain way or in a certain amount of time.

Question: You’re outstanding, why are you wanting to teach?

Answer: I want to teach because I know that adolescence can be a hard time for a lot of students. I want to be a safe, supportive mentor to my students that need it. As a teacher, I plan to maintain high expectations for every student of mine so that students that are typically turned away or discouraged from mathematics get a shot to succeed in math-centered fields.


Josh Latella

Question: What is your vision for the Math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: I envision my future classes exploring the social and liberatory aspects of mathematics.

Question: You’re outstanding, why teach?  

Answer: I teach because it is a meaningful and fun challenge. In teaching, I serve my community; provide my students a stable, caring adult; and just get to think about how people learn.

Xochilth Ortega

Question: What is your vision for your future math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: My vision for my future math classroom is one that, first and foremost, prioritizes the needs and safety of my students. In my class, students will not fear exploration and will instead dive into discovery activities. Students will gain positive experiences that improve any negative feelings that they may have come in with. In my class, students will not question why they are learning these concepts because they will be making connections to the world around them; students will view math as a toolbox for thinking, growing, and problem-solving. It will be a space where the students feel comfortable coming together as a community to collaborate with each other. Finally, my class will ensure that everyone has a voice and is treated like a valuable contributor.

Question: You’re outstanding, why are you wanting to teach?

Answer: There are two main reasons that I want to teach. First, I have always wanted to do something that will directly help people. As I reflected, I realized that I would not be where I am now without the support of my family and teachers. I always did fairly well in math and I know that this is an area that often poses a barrier for people in education, so I knew then that I wanted to be a math teacher. The second reason is that I want to be the representation that I never really had. Throughout my K-12 school years and undergraduate experience, it was rare to see students who looked like me and even rarer to see my identity reflected in my instructors. I think having that representation would have allowed me to be more confident in math. I want to be the representation for students that allows them to feel as though they belong.

Maya Ozanich

Question: What is your vision for the Math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: My vision for the future math classroom that I will be responsible for after Noyce is that it is an accepting and encouraging environment in which all students are able to explore the endless possibilities of mathematics. I hope to bring the practices of rehumanizing mathematics into my future classroom so that I can create an equity-centered classroom for all students to prosper. A goal of mine is to answer the common question of “when will we use this?” by letting students connect the mathematical applications to the real world. Another one of my biggest goals for my future classroom is to encourage my students to have an open mindset about mathematics. I want my students to put aside their fear of failure to be able to explore different methods of solving, make connections, and understand the true meaning behind math concepts because that is where the most significant learning takes place.

Question: You’re outstanding, why teach?  

Answer: Throughout my education, I have had multiple educators who I have looked up to, and who have made me passionate about math. Truthfully, I have also had many educators that have pushed me away from mathematics. Both groups of people have made me excited about becoming a mathematics teacher. I cannot wait to apply similar teaching techniques and lessons to those who have been exceptional before me, so that I can get my future students passionate about the opportunities that mathematics provides. My aunt and my grandfather fall under the category of these inspiring figures in my life, and I am more than honored to follow in their footsteps. I hope that I can learn from those who have made my mathematics career difficult by learning from their methods and improving upon them so that I can encourage my future students to have a positive mindset about mathematics. I am so excited to be a part of the mathematics education community so that I can encourage a passion in future mathematicians.

Madison Pap

Question: What is your vision for the Math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: My vision for a Math classroom after the Noyce program is simply happiness. I hope that my future students walk into the classroom and leave the classroom happy and loved. I will encourage commotion to fill the room full of questions and knowledge. May math be looked at as a subject to not be anxious about but a subject anyone can learn and understand.

Question: You’re outstanding, why teach?  

Answer: When I’m asked why I want to teach it’s because I want to change the lives of generations to come. I want my future students to feel always welcomed no matter who they are. I think being a teacher is one of the most rewarding jobs. Seeing a child light up when they understand a subject and you being the one that helped get them to that point. I hope to be there for my students inside and outside of the classroom, so they know there is always someone supporting them through all their life adventures.

Saul Ramos

Question: What is your vision for your future math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: I always knew I wanted to have a safe learning environment where my students felt like they could practice and learn mathematics without being judged in their learning process. However, I never knew how to put that into words until I read Mathematics for Human Flourishing by Francis Su. “A community helps us normalize struggle, and realize “I’m not alone in my struggle.”” This is the type of culture I want my classroom to have.

Question: You’re outstanding, why are you wanting to teach?

Answer: It has been a dream of mine to be able to give back, what was given to me by teachers. All throughout high school I’ve had teachers who supported and challenged me to be better. My love for math led me to become an engineer. But my passion to provide support for students led me to becoming a teacher.

Madison Stevens

Question: What is your vision for your future math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: In my future classroom I hope to create an environment where all students feel they can learn and succeed in math. My vision is that students can walk in and know this is a place where they can ask questions and explore and see that math can be fun! 

Question: You’re outstanding, why are you wanting toteach?

Answer: Throughout my life I have been truly impacted by the teachers I am surrounded by. I have been fortunate enough to come from a family of several teachers that have helped me realize my true passion for teaching as well. Every day I get to see the impact they make on their students’ lives and their dedication to them. Being a teacher is not always easy, but seeing the change they make in others’ lives is inspiring. Growing up I have always had a passion to help others. As I got through highschool and going through college I also realized my passion for mathematics. Many students believe they are simply not “math people”. I hope to change this mindset and students excited about learning math.

Joel Zavala

Question: What is your vision for your future math classroom you will be responsible for after Noyce?

Answer: In my classroom I want to cultivate an environment where students want to learn and look forward to learning. Many students dislike math and in the future, they will avoid careers that deal with math, and I don’t want them to turn down what could have been a career that they would have truly enjoyed due to their relationship with mathematics.

Question: You’re outstanding, why are you wanting to teach?

Answer: I want to teach because growing up I never saw teachers of color whilst I was in school and having relationships with teachers that you can relate to is vital for students. If students feel like they don’t belong at school, then school becomes an environment that they don’t want to be in. That is why I want to be a teacher to give back to my marginalized communities and guide the future generations of people.