Getting to Know You: Russell Skurski
Russell Skurski — History/Social Studies Teacher
Minor: Theatre Arts
Hometown: Roslyn, WA
Employed at: Islander Middle School, Mercer Island School District
Year graduated: 2011
What is your favorite thing about your profession?
Teaching is unique in that it is one of the only professions where every day, I am afforded the opportunity to make a kid’s life better. Be that by teaching them content, or by modeling behaviors that will help them be successful, or allowing them avenues to step out of their comfort zones and try things they never would have otherwise.
What is the most valuable thing you took away from the T&L program that still applies to you today?
The biggest thing that I use day-to-day that I took from the T&L program is that you have to know your kids, and that EVERYTHING you do starts with a relationship with them. How much can I get out of Bobby if I engage him about his weekend when he walks in? Will this lesson design best meet the needs of 2nd period, who are a lot chattier than 3rd? Who can I ask about how the day went with the substitute and will actually give me the truth? If you want a classroom to be a safe, supporting environment, it has to start with you, and your relationships that you foster with your students.