Getting to Know You: Thomas Sullivan
Thomas Sullivan – High School English Teacher
Minor: History
Hometown: Spokane, WA
Current employer: Central Valley High School, Central Valley School District
How long have you worked there?: 31 years
What is your favorite thing about your profession?
The kids and I love English. We have a lot of great kids that are fun to work with, I like the books we read, and kids make a lot of great observations.
Why did you want to become a teacher?
I didn’t know right away. I liked English and figured I would teach. I thought I’d try it for a couple of years and it turned out I liked it and here I am.
What advice do you have for current WSU students in the program?
I’d say if you don’t like kids, you’re in the wrong career. If you don’t like the subject matter, that’s a problem. If those are in place and you work hard, you will have a great career.
What is your favorite thing about being a WSU alumni?
Terrific professors, great people, I have nothing but fond memories. I go down every couple of years just to see what’s going on. It’s a great school and provides a great education. I’m proud to be associated with that.