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Washington State University
College of Education

Lindsay Lightner

Lindsay Lightner

Assistant Professor (Career Track)
Teaching and Learning
WSU Tri-Cities
2710 Crimson Way
Richland, WA  99354-1671


Curriculum Vita

Research Gate  | |  Twitter:  @LK_Lightner

Lindsay Lightner is a career-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching & Learning at WSU’s Tri-Cities campus. Dr. Lightner coordinates the Alternative Route teacher certification program, which helps school districts to alleviate teacher shortages in hard-to-staff subjects such as special education and bilingual education by helping paraeducators become certified teachers.  She also coordinates the NSF-funded grant project Socio-Environmental Science Investigations (SESI)-ExpAND, which helps high school teachers incorporate ArcGIS software into their courses to strengthen students’ geospatial reasoning and interest in STEM careers.

Dr. Lightner teaches courses in elementary science methods and preservice teacher preparation. Her research focuses on ways that preservice teachers integrate their work, field, and university experiences as they become science teachers and develop their science teaching identities.  She holds a BA in geology from Carleton College, an MA from the Writing Seminars at the Johns Hopkins University, and a PhD in Math and Science Education from Washington State University.  She has worked as a middle school science teacher in New York City, an English instructor and advisor at the Pennsylvania State University, and a lecturer and student teacher supervisor at Canterbury Christ Church University for London, England’s Teach First program.

When she’s not helping students navigate their transitions to teaching or researching how to help them become amazing science teachers, she enjoys hiking and exploring the Northwest.