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Washington State University
College of Education

Judith A. Morrison

Judy Morrison

Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Programs, WSU Tri-Cities
Professor, Science Education
COE Academic Director, WSU Tri-Cities
WSU Tri-Cities
2710 University Drive
Richland, WA  99354-1671


Curriculum Vitae

Research interests

Judith Morrison works primarily researching STEM schools and programs looking at teachers’ understanding of STEM, the curriculum and culture of STEM schools, and how to best prepare teachers to teach in STEM schools. Dr. Morrison is also interested in finding out students’ understanding of science concepts in the classroom, in using science notebooks as a formative assessment tool, and in using scientists in the professional development of science teachers.

Teaching/professional interests

Dr. Morrison teaches elementary and secondary science methods courses, as well as a variety of science education courses and action research courses. She taught physical science, chemistry, advanced chemistry, and advanced biology at the high school level for seven years.

Recent accomplishments

Morrison, J.A., & Lightner, L. (May, 2017). Meeting the teacher shortage head on: Developing an alternative route program at a research university. Phi Delta Kappan.

Morrison, J., Roth McDuffie, A. & French, B. (2015). Identifying key components of teaching and learning in a STEM school. School Science and Mathematics, 115(5), 244-255.

Ardasheva, Y., Bowden, J. O., Morrison, J. A., & Tretter, T. R. (2015) Comic relief: Using comic and illustrated trade books to support science learning in first year English language learners. Science Scope,38(6), 39-47.

Morrison, J. (2014). What’s in the can? Modeling scientific practices. Chapter in T. Morrell & K. Popejoy (Eds.). A few of our favorite things: Teaching ideas for K-8 science methods instructors. Sense Publishers.

Morrison, J. A. (2014). The impact of experiences with scientists on 4-8th grade teachers’ understanding and implementation of inquiry science. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 12(4), 793-816.

2011 Higher Education Science Teacher of the Year Award from the Washington Science Teachers Association

Educational background

  • Ph.D Science Education/Integrated Science, Oregon State University, 1999
  • M.S. Science Education, Oregon State University, 1991
  • B.A. Zoology, University of Montana, 1979