MEGI Information
Motivational Enhancement Group Intervention (MEGI)
Motivational Enhancement Group Intervention (MEGI) is an evidence-based 12-session career development intervention. It combines evidence-based transition practices with motivational interviewing to increase students’ with disabilities self-advocacy/self-determination skills and vocational outcome expectations (Sheftel et al., 2014).
MEGI is facilitated by WA-DVR staff as part of already existing transition and special education classrooms. MEGI: (1) increases students’ sense of competence, (2) supports student autonomy, (3) develops student awareness of needs and preferences, (4) engages students in conversations about how individual and contextual factors impact barriers/supports to employment, (5) develops self-advocacy skills, (6) strengethens relationships among the students, and between students and MEGI facilitator (WA-DVR staff), and (6) engages students in career planning.
Currently, MEGI is used throughout Oregon and in growing number of schools in Washington. If you would like more information about MEGI, would like to be trained in MEGI facilitation, or are interested in having MEGI as part of your special education and transition programing, please contact Dr. Anya Sheftel at
MEGI Implementation Guide for Schools
MEGI Implementation Guide for VR Agencies