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Washington State University
College of Education

2021 MIT Graduates

2021 MIT Graduates

Our Master in Teaching (MIT) degree is an intensive, practitioner-oriented, teacher preparation program. Centered in the school with mentoring, we are preparing the next generation of reflective, effective, and culturally responsive educators. One important dimension of being a professional educator is learning how to read and use educational research. To support this, MIT students conduct a final inquiry project. This project gives each student an opportunity to explore a practice, concept, or issue that they would like to understand more deeply. Grounded in the Washington Teacher Evaluation Framework, each project is situated in each students’ personal experience and was presented to the faculty on June 11, 2021.

Sara Brevick

Elementary Teaching
Student Initiative in Cultivating a Rich and Positive Learning Environment
Can the use of classroom jobs help build students’ initiative with their learning and the learning environment?

Kayla Brown

Secondary English Language Arts
Reciprocal Teaching
How can reciprocal teaching increase reading comprehension in the secondary classroom?

Carter Dahmen

Secondary History and Social Studies
Sports and Secondary Education
How does participation in sports impact a student’s educational experience?

Joshua Emanuelson

Elementary Teaching
Creating Family-School Partnerships
How can teachers build an effective family-school partnership?

Christine Gasparyan

Secondary History
Culturally Relevant Teaching and Its Application in the Classroom
How can CRT successfully bridge the achievement gap for all learners?

Summer Gnoinsky

Elementary Teaching
The Science of Color
How can I use color in my classroom to positively influence my learning environment?

Christine Goodell

Elementary Teaching
Sleep and Elementary Age Children
What are the effects on academic performance and what can teachers do about it?

Emma Haug

Secondary English Language Arts
Self-Determination within the Transitional Process
How can self-advocacy be adapted into Special Education transitional procedures?

Taylor Haven

Secondary Science
Science Fairs in Secondary Settings
Are science fairs appropriate for secondary school settings?

Darby Hegge

Secondary English Language Arts
Implementation of Twitter in the Classroom
How can Twitter be used and implemented into classroom learning and communication?

Amy Judge

Secondary Agriculture
Career Exploration and Development in Secondary Education
How can schools support career exploration in secondary students and develop career related skills?

McKenna Kalahar

Elementary Teaching
Calming Corners
How might calming corners be a trauma informed practice in our classroom?

Hannah Kim

Secondary Mathematics
Promoting Social Justice in Math Classroom
What should we unlearn first, to promote social justice with math?

Hannah Kiser

Secondary Science
Balancing Structure and Freedom during Project-based Learning (PBL)
Can project-based learning co-develop student content knowledge and 21st century skills?

Clarissa Prohaska

Elementary Teaching
Online Learning Communities
“How have teachers developed engaged online classroom communities during the COVID-19 pandemic?”

Anna Somerville

Elementary Teaching
Music and English Learners
How can music improve vocabulary instruction for English learners?

Matt Zook

Secondary Music
Realizing and Utilizing SEL Opportunities in the Music Education Classroom
How does SEL manifest itself in the music classroom?