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Washington State University
College of Education

Applied Educational Research Methods Certificate

You’ve got the methodological skills to make a difference. Now you can prove it.

This was the first of our now four certificates. We’re awfully proud of it.

So… what does the certificate in Applied Educational Research Methods (both quantitative and qualitative) give you? Well, it provides foundational knowledge and excellent training in methods typically employed to investigate a wide variety of problems in the broad domains of the social sciences.

There’s a growing need among social science professionals, to have sufficient methodological skills to produce, analyze, synthesize, report, and consume information so that decisions can be made using an evidence-based approach.That’s why this certificate was created.

In addition, considering the complex nature of contemporary societal problems, the certificate seeks to fill a broader need in our university to train and support graduate students to use different methods to approach complex problems.

The certificate will provide the relevant coursework, as well as application of that coursework, through the completion of 15 credit hours, including an applied project. The certificate consists of some courses that most graduate students in the College of Education typically enroll in to meet their master’s or doctoral degree requirements. Hence, we hope graduate students see the value in completing few a more credits in methodology to obtain the certificate.

The certificate is open to students in any WSU graduate program. Students not in degree programs may also earn the certificate by applying and enrolling as non-degree/non-matriculated student. This is a Pullman campus only program. Students are required to maintain the minimum GPA requirement of at least 3.0 while enrolled in the certificate program. To qualify for the graduate certificate a prospective student must have a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited post-secondary institution and meet all prerequisite requirements or demonstrate equivalent knowledge before enrolling in any courses which require these. For non-current WSU students, please apply through the WSU Graduate School, submit a current Resume or Curriculum Vitae, unofficial transcripts from colleges/universities and a Letter of Intent with a brief statement of your professional objectives and how you believe they will be promoted by admission to the prospective WSU program.

Note: This certificate program does not accept State of Washington Employee tuition waivers.

A note on classes required for certificates: The WSU Graduate School Policy regarding certificates indicate if a student enters the certificate program already having completed a course in general research methods or statistics, then additional elective courses can be selected to meet the required course credits. Students should note that other courses cannot be used as substitutes to meet the core course requirements.  If students have already taken the required (core) courses prior to applying for the certificate, those courses would count  towards the certificate.   If they have taken an appropriate course that could be used as an elective, but is not one of the nine elective courses listed for the certificate, students could petition to use that course towards the certificate as the 3-credit  elective course. Please note that we process your application for the certificate during the semester in which you take the internship required course.

Curriculum Description

Core Courses – nine credits of research

Required by All  (Chose one – three credits)

  • Ed_Psych 505 Research Methods I
  • Ed_Res 563 Principles of Research

Then choose either the Quantitative or Qualitative track for additional six credits

Quantitative Track:

Ed_Psych 508Educational Statistics
Ed_Res 565Quantitative Research


Elective (Choose one of the following three credit courses that correspond to the track selected above, e.g., Quant: Ed_Psych 509; Qual: Ed _Res 567): 

CSSTE 544Discourse Analysis: Qual Track
CSSTE 545Critical Ethnography: Qual Track
T&L 588Action Research: Qual Track
Spec_Ed 592 Single Subject Research Design and Methods: Quant Track
Ed_Psych 509Educational Measurements: Test Development and Assessment: Quant Track
Ed_Psych 568Quasi-experimental Design: Quant Track
Ed_Psych 569Quantitative Techniques in Education: Quant Track
Ed_Psych 570Introduction to Program Evaluation: Quant Track
Ed_Psych 572Meta-Analyis: Quant Track

Qualitative Track:

ED_Psych 507Foundations of Qualitative Research
Ed_Res 564Qualitative Research

Applied Project  (Internship – Required by All)

Ed_Psych 597 Internship/Project – three credits.  Only by prior approval of the Educational Psychology Coordinator.

This applied research experience will last not less than one semester.  The student will register for Ed_Psych 597 under the guidance of a designated educational psychology faculty member who will develop the project in concert with the student.  The culmination of this experience is a technical report or manuscript suitable for publication focused on the research in which the student and faculty member are engaged.

For more information, please contact:

Kira Carbonneau, Ph.D.   or   Brian F. French, Ph.D.