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Washington State University
College of Education

Francene Watson

Francene Watson

Associate Teaching Professor
Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education
Pullman campus
Cleveland Hall 327
pullman, WA  99164


Curriculum Vita

Francene Watson is a former high school English and humanities teacher, and continues her work in education on projects connected to environmental sustainability, social justice, and wellbeing. Dr. Watson’s teaching, service, and scholarship are interdisciplinary and explore the inherent, critical complexities of sustainability, land and place-based learning in P-20, pre-service teacher education and professional development.


Dr. Watson’s research focuses on pre-service teacher education and in-service professional development. Projects stem from the critical need to establish culturally responsive and sustaining, abolitionist, socially just, and enlivened learning spaces in our schools from a community-based approach. Using participatory and community-based action research models, current project foci work to connect food, land, water (namely the Snake and Columbia Rivers) and people, bringing these intersections into a P-20 curricular platform.


Ph.D. in Education, Washington State University, 2012, Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education

M.Ed. Education, Western Washington University, 1998, Secondary English

B.A. English, Seattle University, 1993