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Washington State University
College of Education

NWBS 2022 Presentation Info

Abstracts submission is now closed.

You should have now heard back about your acceptance and the format of your presentation. If you have not, please contact us immediately.

Poster format

Poster should not be printed. All posters will be electronically delivered. You just need to ensure they have an aspect ratio of (16:9, 46″ display) to ensure they fill the entire screen. Powerpoint or PDF formats are preferable. Please limit the words on your poster. You will be there to present it, so It doesn’t need many words written down.

Presenters will be given 1 minute to present their poster to the entire room on the big screen. After that they will stand/sit by their poster monitor as people walk around and ask questions. Make sure you stay by your assigned monitor.

Here is a view of the poster room:

Podium format

Podium presentation will be 6-8 minutes long, leaving 2-4 minutes for questions. Powerpoint documents are preferable. I recommend a slide per minute, with minimal words. Remember to practice your timing.

Here is a view of the podium room: