Yichien Cooper (陳怡倩 博士)
Yichien Cooper
陳怡倩 博士
Assistant Professor, Career Track
Teaching and Learning
WSU Tri-Cities
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Yichien Cooper (She/Her) received a Ph.D. in Art Education and a Museum Studies Certification at Florida State University (2004), Tallahassee, FL.
Research Interests
Her research interests include integrating arts into curricula, STEAM education, concept mapping, data visualization, social justice, arts-based and narrative inquiry, mixed identity, and community-based art education.
She reviews for Journal of Social Theory in Art Education (JSTAE), Educational Studies, and International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support (IJCPS). She also reviews conference proposals for National Art Education Association, International Society of Education through Art, and World Chinese Art Education Association.
Dr. Cooper has published extensively in both English and Chinese.
In English
Hsieh, K., Cooper, Y., & Lu, L. (2022). Teaching Chinese arts and culture: Content, context, and pedagogy. InSEA Publication. (e-Book). https://www.insea.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/20220511-Hsieh-et-al-TCAC-compressed.pdf
In Chinese
程明太,陳怡倩主編[Cheng, M. T. & Cooper, Y. (Eds.)]. (2020). 中外艺术教育研究新趋势[New trends in world arts education research]. 上海教育出版社[Shanghai, China: Shanghai Education Publishing Co].
Leavy, P. (2020). 艺术本位研究的九堂课 [Methods Meet Art: Arts-Based Research Practice, 2nd Edition] (陳怡倩,謝宛玲合譯[Y. Cooper, & W. Hsieh. (Trans.) ]). 湖南美術出版社[Hunan Fine Art Publishing, China] (Original work published 2015)
黃素蘭,洪詠善,陳怡倩[Wong, S., Hung, Y.S, & Cooper, Y.] (Eds.) (2020) 挑戰與轉化[Challenges and transforms: On art education]. (2018 International Society of Education through Art & the 7th World Chinese Art Education Association Symposium Proceeding), Hong Kong: Hongkong Society for Education in Art. (e-Book)
陳怡倩[Cooper, Y]. (2019). (Ed.). 21 世纪藝術文化教育[On 21st Century Arts and Culture Education], Taipei, Taiwan: Hungyeh Publishing Co.
陳怡倩[Cooper, Y.] (2017). 統整的力量[The Power of Integrated Curriculum: The Core of STEAM Education]. Hunan, China: Hunan Publishing Co.
Selected Peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters in English:
Cooper, Y. (2022). The use of time in media arts education: Stories from Taiwan. In A. Knochel and S. Osamu (Eds.). Global media arts: Mapping perspectives of media arts in education. Palgrave Macmillan.
Cooper, Y., Hsieh, K., Lu, L. (2022). Voice for the voiceless: Responding to the racial pandemic through art. Art Education, 75(3), 18–23. https://doi.org/10.1080/00043125.2022.2027726
Cooper, Y. & Hsieh, K. (2022). Decoding visual images from Taiwan’s Japanese colonial period: The art of Taiwanese artist Kuo Hsueh-Hu (Guo Xue-Hu, 1908 – 2012). (pp. 205-224). In K. Hsieh, Y. Cooper, & L. Lu (Eds). Teaching Chinese arts and culture: Content, context, and pedagogy, InSEA Publication.
Cooper, Y. (2021). Lobbying for art education as a civic engagement for change. Visual Inquiry, 10(2), 237–239. https://doi.org/10.1386/vi_00036_1
Cooper, Y. & Zimmerman, E. (2020). Concept mapping: A practical process for understanding and conducting art education research and practice. Art Education, 73(2), 24-32.
Cooper, Y. (2018). In the folds: Transforming a city’s identity through art and social purpose. The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 38, 46-57. https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1526&context=jstae
Lai, A. & Cooper, Y. (2016). Untangling gender divides through girly and gendered visual culture. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 36(1). http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/jstae/vol36/iss1/11/
Cooper, Y. (2014/2017). The creation of data visualization and synthesizing skills. [Création de visualisation de données et processus de synthèse]. WikiCreation. https://wikicreation.fr/visualisation-donnees/
Cooper, Y. (2014). Art on a trash can: Art for life with a twist. Journal of Art for Life, 6(1). http://journals.fcla.edu/jafl/article/view/84272
Cooper, Y. (2013). Curriculum connections: Mapping integrating arts framework for diverse learnings. International Journal of Arts Education, 11 (1). p. 184-199. (In English and Chinese)
Cooper, Y. C. (2008). A Day in the Life: The Qualifications and Responsibilities of an Art Museum Educator. In P. Villeneuve (Ed.). From Periphery to enter: Art Education in the 21st Century. (pp. 68-73) The National Art Education Association.
2022-current. Committee Member. Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee, Washington State Art Education Association.
2021-current. Honorary President and International Division Advisor, The World Chinese Art Education Association.
2021-current. Chair. Asian Art and Culture Interests Group, National Art Education Association.
2020-current. Board member, Academy of Children’s Art Theater, Richland, Washington.
2018-current. Committee Member, Interdisciplinary Aesthetic Curriculum Assessment Advisory Committee, National Academy for Educational Research, Taiwan.
2017-2021. Chair, The Data Visualization Working Group at National Art Education Association.
2017-2021, President, The World Chinese Arts Education Association
2014-2019. City Art Commission, City of Richland. Received a Proclamation of Appreciation.
2017 ArtsWA Art in Public Places Program (AIPP) Grant for Leona Libby Middle School. $73,800
2016 2016 Washington Educational Research Association (WERA) Research Grant. $1,700.