School Counseling National Board Certification
National Board School Counselors
The School Counseling National Board program is an interactive webinar and the starting point for your National Board Certification journey. Candidates must contact Jane Oczkewicz before applying and enrolling.
Foundations Seminar Introduction to National Boards Syllabus
> $200 Registration Fee
> Three 2-Hour Sessions
Component Seminars for School Counselors
Interactive support sessions are delivered in an online cohort environment with other school counselors to guide you through the specific requirements for each of the 4 School Counseling National Board components.
Component 1 Content Knowledge Syllabus
Component 2 Differentiation in Instruction Syllabus
Component 3 Teaching Practice & Learning Enviroment Syllabus
Component 4 Effective & Reflective Practitioner Syllabus
> $250 registration fee for each Component cohort
> Eight 2-hour sessions
Mini Symposiums for School Counselors
Support through PowerPoint tutorials with voice-overlay to guide you through ECYA-SC National Board requirements for Component 2 and Component 3. Resources and writing feedback are provided.
> $200 registration fee for each component
Benefits of NBPTS Certification for School Counselors
- Professional growth/development -“It’s the best professional development that I ever had!”
- Opportunities for continued professional growth
- Improvement in your School Counseling Program
- Validation of your work as an accomplished School Counselor
- Leadership opportunites: mentoring, training, speaking engagements, state committees
- Personal satisfaction of meeting the highest standards in the nation for School Counseling certification
2022-2023 WSU School Counseling NBPTS Class Description
(prerequisite for components – Washington state candidates)
At the end of this 3-session webinar candidates will have a working understanding of the fundamental NBPTS beliefs and how these beliefs relate to School Counselor NBPTS Component requirements. Candidates will have a working knowledge of the writing process for completing NBPTS components.
- Three 2-hour webinar sessions
- Course material covers the 5 Core Propositions, Architecture of Accomplished Teaching/Counseling, School Counseling NBPTS standards, Writing for National Board.
- Handouts/study materials available
- Cost $200 – due prior to first session
- Communication with facilitator ( is required prior to first session.
- Webinar offered June and September
COHORT – COMPONENT #1 –Content Knowledge
At the end of this class candidates will have resources and a clear understanding of Assessment Center Exercise process & requirements.
- 8 two-hour sessions focusing on school counselor related content to meet assessment requirements/rubrics
- Prerequisite: Foundations of NBPTS for School Counselors Seminar (Washington state)
- Class requirement: Attendance/participation/homework completion
- Instruction/collaboration via GoToMeeting system – headset and high speed internet required
- handouts/study materials available
- Cost: $250 – due prior to first session
- Communication with instructor ( is required prior to first session.
COHORT – COMPONENT #2 #3 and #4
At the end of these three cohort units, candidates will have an understanding of the NBPTS School Counseling requirements for C2, C3, or C4 and a working document to submit to NBPTS.
- 8 two-hour sessions focusing on in-depth analysis of Component prompts and process.
- Cohort limit: maximum 8 candidates
- Prerequisite: Foundations of NBPTS for School Counselors Seminar (Washington state)
- Class requirement: Completion of Component requirements during the 8-session class.
- Instruction/ collaboration via GoToMeeting system – headset & high speed internet required
- Handouts/study materials
- Facilitator/cohort writing feedback during 8 cohort sessions
- Cost: $250 – due prior to first session
- Communication with instructor ( is required prior to first session.
- Cohorts will be offered several times during 2021-22 school year
Here are the comments of some previous cohorts…
“…clarified what pitfalls counselors may experience in a process that is clearly designed for teachers.”
“I loved how Jane seemed to have a plan from the beginning. For example, she knew what we would be focusing on in the upcoming sessions which helped set the pace as to where I should be in the NB process. I loved all of her advice and encouragement.”
Heather, NBCT North Carolina
“I’ve watched the tutorial power points–several times 😉 –each time gleaning something more. It has been so helpful. I find that with every edit of my writing things become a little clearer.”
Michelle, NBCT Monroe, WA
“…Our cohort meetings provide a safe opportunity for asking questions and clarifying information. The collaboration and feedback which I received from Jane and my cohort colleagues is invaluable! I thougth that I was answering the prompts accurately. Then, I joined this cohort group and I found out that I was obviously off target.”
Kathy, Elementary School Counselor, California
All NBPTS School Counseling programs are facilitated by Jane Oczkewicz, NBCT ECYA/School Counseling. Jane has twenty years school counseling experience as well as ten years classroom teaching experience. She has facilitated at multiple levels for National Boards including WEA Jump Start, WEA Home Stretch, and for the WSCA.
Slight differences. Same great service!
Requirements for the NBPTS School Counseling certificate differ somewhat from the NBPTS teaching certificates. School counselors manage different challenges in their practice than their teacher colleagues. To better meet this need, WSU offers a National Board Support Program specifically designed for school counselors. WSU provides four interactive online support opportunities specifically for school counselors.