Getting to Know You: Corinna McGrath
Corrina McGrath — Sport Management Graduate Assistant Q&A
Where are you from?
Marysville, Washington
How many years have you been a graduate assistant?
This is my second year.
What is one fun fact about you?
I was a rowing coach for 10 years. When I was an undergraduate student at WSU I was a coach for their rowing team. Before that, I was also a coach at the University of Central Florida and Clemson University.
Did your rowing career have a lot to do with choosing Sports Management as your major?
Yes, it did! The sport of rowing has provided me many opportunities both as an intercollegiate athlete and as a DI coach. The graduate degree in sport management provides an environment where I can consider academic approaches to topics within athletics and explore careers in the field where I can apply the knowledge and skills gained through the program.
Why did you choose to stay at WSU as a graduate assistant?
Pullman has become my home. I enjoy being a part of the community and value being a part of the Coug family.
What do you plan to do after graduate assistant program?
Jury is still out on the specifics of that one–pursue a career in higher education where I can have a positive impact on students and continue to learn myself.
Food: Mihn’s beef lime salad in Pullman
Movie: That’s a tough one. I don’t often watch movies multiple times, but in keeping with the sport theme I’ll say A League of Their Own.
Book: I don’t have a favorite book, but I do really enjoy reading. I’ll share fascinating title that also has powerful content–The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
Musician/Band: Ray Lamontagne
Song: PYT by Michael Jackson
Sport: From a fan’s point of view I enjoy football, but rowing will always be my favorite sport to participate in.
Quote: “Doing a common thing uncommonly will bring success.” – Harry John Heinz