Marcie Maxwell
Elected to three terms as 41st District State Representative, Maxwell was previously elected to the Renton School Board for eight years serving one of the state’s most diverse districts. She served all King County School Boards as their Legislative Representative to the Washington’s School Directors Association. In the legislature, Representative Maxwell was on the House Education Committee, Appropriations Committee, Education Appropriations Subcommittee, Rules Committee, and the Technology & Economic Development Committee. She served in House leadership as the Deputy Majority Leader for Education and Opportunity.
Marcie also co-chaired the Quality Education Council (QEC) and was on the Joint Legislative Task Force on Education Funding. Maxwell is known for her work in STEM education, arts education, improving teaching and learning, college access, and preserving the state’s safety net to ensure at-risk kids are healthy and ready to learn.
Maxwell is a small business owner with a prior career in banking management. She’s been active with Rotary, chambers, and foundations. Marcie has earned numerous honors including the Washington School Administrators Community Leadership Award, Association of Washington School Principals Torch of Leadership Award, Washington State PTA Friend of Children Award, Washington Education Association Friend of Education Award, Washington School Counselors Association Legislative Advocate Award, Realtor Community Service Award, Renton Citizen of the Year and Renton Outstanding Business Citizen.