Getting to Know You: Taylor Ratkie
Why did you choose WSU?
I came to visit before I applied and instantly fell in love with the positive and welcoming atmosphere. The school spirit is like no other; there’s something in the air that makes you fall in love with Pullman.
Why do you want to become a teacher?
I had amazing elementary teachers who gave me a fun and positive elementary experience. It makes me sad when people tell me they hated elementary school. It’s important children have encouraging, fun, and welcoming elementary teachers as it’s their first impression on school.
What are you most passionate about when it comes to being a teacher?
I love learning! Education is a system of continuous learning and I hope to share my passion for learning onto my future students.
What do you hope to achieve in this career?
I hope to be a memorable teacher and remembered for my positive, fun, and welcoming attitude. I want to make a difference in children’s lives and be a person who they can always turn and talk to.
What is your favorite part of this program?
The program offers a lot of resources; we are in classrooms every week and get the opportunity to give different lessons to students across the district. My professors are great; they all make it apparent that they are there for us/will always be and have created welcoming and positive environments in the classroom. Not to mention I’ve met some amazing future teachers in my classes!
Do you have any advice for incoming freshmen?
Get involved in activities and clubs around campus. The more people you meet, the more connections and opportunities you’ll discover. Don’t let the fear of being away from home get the best of you- give yourself a chance to love college and I promise, you will. Also, the hardest thing about college (believe it or not) is simply getting yourself to class. Don’t skip class!