Getting to Know You: Kimmi Price
Kimmi Price — Elementary Teacher
Hometown: Pullman, WA
Employed at: Tapteal Elementary School, Richland School District
How long have you worked there?: This is my fourth year
Year graduated: 2012
What is your favorite thing about your profession?
Teaching is so rewarding! Helping students learn new things in academics, friendship, and life skills is amazing.
What is your favorite thing about being a WSU alum?
WSU is one of the best places on earth! Even when you leave Pullman the legacy of Washington State University goes with you. Plus getting a Go Cougs from across the street from a stranger is super cool too!
What is the most valuable thing you took away from the T&L program that still applies to you today?
I learned much more than just teaching content areas from the Teaching and Learning program. With our field experiences we got time in the classroom to learn directly from great educators. That is priceless to me!
Why did you want to become a teacher?
Doing my part to change the world one 6 year old at a time!
What advice do you have for current students in the WSU teaching program?
Keep swimming. It can be hard at times but it’s so worth it!
What do you hope to achieve in your career?
Someday I hope to become a principal (shout out to my amazing principal Rhonda Pratt for inspiring me to do so!) For now, though, I just want to keep making kids’ lives better!