Getting to Know You: Dante Ludlow
Dante Ludlow – Sport Management
Year: Junior
Hometown: Kirkland, WA
Why did you choose WSU?
For the sport management program. I initially wanted to do business. I met with Veronica, the sport management advisor at the time, and she really took the time to introduce me to the program and sold me on it. There are a lot of really great opportunities in the program and I’m glad that I came here.
Why did you choose sport management?
I’ve played and watched sports my entire life so it’s really a part of who I am. I was in DECA in high school and every time I built a business plan it ended up being about sports. I figured I might as well go ahead and get a sport management degree.
What are your goals for after earning your degree?
My goal for my degree would be to work with a major league baseball team. I want to do analytics. For me, the job is more important and once I settle down I do want to pursue grad school and get an advanced degree.
What is your favorite thing about the program?
I love the hands-on experience and the opportunities. I am in the sport management club and I’m the VP now. Having the hands-on experience before you leave college is super helpful.
What is your favorite thing about WSU?
The biggest difference from high school is the flexibility. Right now I have two jobs, one with athletics and one as a high school referee, and run a business. My business is buying big bulk clothing and reselling on eBay. Athletics is one shift per week plus game days and I referee about 1 or 2 games per week for high school. I have more flexibility than I thought I would have when I came to WSU.
What advice do you have for freshmen in the sport management program?
Use your time wisely and become involved as much as you can. One of the most valuable aspects of college is that you can branch out and try different things. Don’t be complacent in all the things you’ve always done. I thought I would never grow my business in college but it has grown way more than I could have imagined.