Getting to Know You: Caroline Ginder
Caroline Ginder — Elementary Education
Content Area: English Language Learning
Hometown: Bainbridge Island, WA
Year: Junior
What impact do you hope to make on your future students?
We all have that one teacher who had such a great impact on us. We all also have a teacher who left us feeling negative about a subject or school in general. When I think about the teacher that I want to be like, Mrs. Colby is the first person I think of. She was the perfect blend of being assertive and compassionate. She taught in a way that made each and every student want to be there, in her classroom, wanting to learn. I want to be the teacher who shows students that learning can be enjoyable. I want to show them that struggling can be a good thing and that not knowing is not something to be afraid of. I want my students to leave my classroom and think of me when someone asks them if they have ever had a teacher who made a great impact on them.
Do you have any advice for incoming freshmen?
Take every chance you can get to be in the classroom with students. My practicum day is my very favorite day of the week. It’s the only thing that makes it worth getting up at 7 a.m. :). If you have any questions, never be afraid to ask because that is the best way to learn. When becoming a teacher, you will quickly realize that there is always more to learn and the best way to do that is to not be afraid to question things that might be done regularly. Once you’re in your own classroom, you will be able to do things your way, but you should always be open to learning new things along the way.