Getting to Know You: Brooke Jackson
Brooke Jackson -Elementary Education
Hometown: Puyallup, WA
Why do you want to become a teacher?
I was a criminal justice major but I still wanted to work with kids. It was just too much for me. I still wanted to help kids and impact them and felt that education was a good way to still do that. To be able to empower kids to be able to educate themselves. To be able to facilitate that.
What made you come to WSU?
I have a twin who goes to UW and an older sister who goes to Western. I just needed to be far away from home and I had friends at a church here.
Do you get homesick?
Not at all. I didn’t call home for months, my parents had to beg me.
What grade do you want to teach?
I want to do the peace corps, but ideally 2nd or 3rd grade.
Why the peace corps?
My goal in life is to just help other people. I have family who didn’t get the opportunity for education. I want kids to have these opportunities and know someone is there and cares about them.
What advice do you have for freshmen?
Get involved! Make friendships with people who have common interests. You can help each other and challenge each other. Get passionate about it. Volunteer. You never know until you try.
What do you want to instill into the kids in your classroom?
To always be willing to learn, understand and know everything they experience can be an opportunity to learn. That is education. You never have to fit into a certain specific mold. Baking with your mom is still a learning opportunity and it is valuable.