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Washington State University
College of Education

Getting to Know You: Barbora Michalkova

Barbora Michalkova – Sport Management Undergraduate Student

Hometown: Czech Republic

Why did you choose Washington State University?
Washington State University chose me and I’m so grateful for that. My coaches Lisa Hart and Robin Cambier offered me a scholarship and a spot on WSU tennis team and I wouldn’t be here without their help. I love the family atmosphere here and the unconditional love and support from the athletic department, coaches, and professors.

What inspired you to pursue your degree? 
I was around sports my whole life and I just love it. I like to be around people who share the same interests and beliefs, who are highly motivated, and who like to work hard. I feel that a sport management degree will allow me to be around people with this mindset and most importantly I will be able to do what I am passionate about.

What makes this program special and what do you like most about the department?
My favorite part of this program is the supportive stuff. I am from a different country and living far away from my family and closest friends, so this what’s special for me and something that I appreciate the most. Pullman and this program are special. I feel like this is a safe place where I can share anything with my professors or anybody who is working in this department, and they would always try to find a way to help me.

What do you hope to get out of your career?
I want to be happy and stay humble. My dream is to wake up every day and be a little better than I was yesterday. I don’t have any specific path I would like to go down yet, but I am constantly working and learning so one day I can walk my path to the top and be successful in any direction that I decide to go.

Do you have any advice for incoming freshmen pursuing this degree?
a. Be consistent. Everything that has value in life is a product of consistency. Success, health fitness, wealth, friendships, relationships, and all other aspirations are all about consistency.
b. Always try your best.
c. Be picky about your friends. You become who you spend time with.

What, or who motivates you as a student?
I am a really competitive person and I think there is more of how I can be motivated. Sometimes I am motivated by people who are around me because I always want to be at their level or even better. It doesn’t really matter if it is my classmates or professor who motivates me but most importantly, I try to motivate myself. From my perspective, I feel that in order to be successful in anything you do it’s more about what you do when nobody is watching you.


Professors: Simon Licen, Chris Lebens, Ron Moser
Sport: Tennis, Crossfit
Celebrity: Roger Federer
Books: A House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout & Open by Andre Agassi 
Song: Thank God – Rilés
Food: Avocado Toast

“Support your friends. Listen to their ideas. Go to their events. Share their post. Celebrate in their victories and remind them of their importance after their failures. A little support can go a very long way in someone’s life.”
– The Female Hustlers


“Make your own money so a man has nothing but loyalty to offer you.”

– The Female Hustlers