Getting to Know You: Abigail Sanders
Abigail Sanders — Elementary Education
Endorsement: Special Education
Hometown: Capitola, CA
Year: Senior
Why do you want to become a teacher?
I want to be the teacher that makes students excited to come to class every day; that makes them excited to learn. I want to give students the opportunity to fall in love with learning like I have.
What are you most passionate about when it comes to being a teacher?
I’m most passionate about my students. I want my students to love their classroom, to love their routines, and to look forward to the days we get to spend together.
Who inspired you to become a teacher?
My mom has been my inspiration since day one. She has always had a passion for learning, and has always been the one encouraging me to learn new things and get out of my comfort zone.
What impact do you hope to make on your future students?
My hope is not only that my students thrive academically, but that I can have some small part in helping make them respectable individuals. Being a teacher isn’t just teaching students how to divide fractions and understand the difference between theme and a main idea of a story; it’s teaching them how to be caring, compassionate, decent people.