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Washington State University
College of Education

Comments for CEFAC

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In addition to providing recommendations to the Dean on tenure and promotion, professional leave, and appointing selection committees for the Faculty Excellence Awards, an important function of CEFAC involves addressing faculty ideas, questions, requests, or concerns regarding programs and activities within the College. As such, we invite all faculty members, both tenure-line and clinical, to communicate their thoughts to CEFAC. As such, we invite all faculty members, both tenure-line and clinical, to communicate their thoughts to CEFAC either in person or by sending a comment in the space provided below.

We ask that submitted comments pertain to College of Education matters and not individually-based concerns (e.g., personal conflicts with other faculty or students, salary, office space, etc.). If you are unsure whether or not an issue pertains to CEFAC, feel free to contact us and we will provide guidance on an appropriate outlet.

For issues regarding the protection of interests, rights, and privileges of students, staff, and faculty, please contact the WSU Ombudsman:

[Note: All communication with CEFAC will remain confidential. Messages sent through this website can be made anonymous by the sender.]